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I'll be too busy to golf. ANOTHER TRUMP LIE

I'll be too busy to golf. ANOTHER TRUMP LIE | WHAT!!                   IT'S ONLY; $90,000,000+ OF YOUR MONEY I'M SPENDING | image tagged in trump golfing,trump lies | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
16,809 views 30 upvotes Made by Trumpamericasdisgrace 7 years ago in fun
11 ups, 7y,
6 replies
Let's see...

US GDP, 4th Quarter 2009 : -2.4%
US GDP, 4th Quarter 2017 : +3.98%
Difference : 6.38%

Thanks for the reminder what an absolute bumbling incompetent Obama was at running an economy. Also, Obama NEVER had a GDP over 3% the entire time he was in office. Trump is automatically a better President than Obama for that reason alone.

3.98%, baby!!
8 ups, 7y,
1 reply
Blame Egon | THE ECONOMY TANKED IN 2008 BEFORE THE ELECTION. BLAME OBAMA? SURE. BLAME OBAMA. | image tagged in blame egon | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
5 ups, 7y,
3 replies
Fact one : Obama never achieved 3% GDP growth during his tenure.

Fact two : The economy was tanking under Obama, with GDP plummeting from 2.8% in July 2016 to 1.2% in January 2017.

So yes - I will blame Obama because he was a bumbling incompetent. Nothing you can ever say or do will ever change these facts.
9 ups, 7y,
2 replies
Yeah usual, Trump's statements are misleading at best.
7 ups, 7y,
3 replies
Our national debt is over 20 Trillion, thanks Obama!
7 ups, 7y,
2 replies
Prepare for more debt.....much more. Supply side (trickle down) economics is a joke. Never worked. Never will.
6 ups, 7y,
1 reply

Quote : "For the first time in at least 11 years, more than half of the respondents to the survey rated the economy as good or excellent."

Translation : Obama sucked at running an economy. I don't want to read a single refutation to this because you will be acknowledging you are a science denier. This was a scientific poll, and all opposition must be muted.

Quote : "The survey found that 42 percent of Americans expect their wages to rise in the next year, and 41 percent of homeowners see their home values going up, the highest level recorded since 2007. In 2011, while the country remained in an economic funk from the financial crisis, just 15 percent of homeowners thought their home prices would rise."

Please remind me who was President in 2011... I just can't quite remember... it's on the tip of my tongue...

Translation : Obama sucked at running an economy.

The entire world of empirical evidence points to the simple fact OBAMA SUCKED AT RUNNING AN ECONOMY, but here are the world class idiots rushing to defend a perfectly abysmal record based on hard, actual data.

It's enough to make one point and laugh at their stupidity.
6 ups, 7y,
1 reply

I am not defending Obama, I am simply stating facts. He walked into a runaway train and put the brakes on. Maybe he didn't reverse it as much as you'd like but his actions saved us from a depression. Keep in mind he had obstructinist GOP in both houses for 6 of the 8 years.

4 ups, 7y,
2 replies
It didn't work so well the 80's gave us the longest stretch of prosperity ever registered in peacetime. Jesus, it's not that tough to look this stuff up on the internet. Get a grip and stop emoting in place of real thought.
6 ups, 7y,
1 reply
You're right. it is easy:

It gave us the biggest wealth shift and losses of jobs to overseas. False growth.
4 ups, 7y,
2 replies
Thank you for letting me know precisely how economically stupid you truly are.

I say this because you truly believe it's possible to tax a nation into prosperity, despite the economy improving - right now, in real time - without taxing the citizens to death.

That's a special kind of stupid.
5 ups, 7y
If you think neoliberalism is the best from of are special kind of idiot.
4 ups, 7y
Yes you are
5 ups, 7y
You really need to stop looking at only right wing propaganda sites before making that statement to someone else. You are so far off
5 ups, 7y,
1 reply
All Obama's fault, forgot to mention how much Bush spent on the wars etc. Typical Repubtard statement
1 up, 7y
Um, yeeeeeeeeeeeeah. That and TARP you mentioned above.

How stupid are you?
4 ups, 7y,
2 replies
I'm 17, and yet I am now responsible for $63,000 of the debt. Thanks, Obama!
1 up, 7y
Trump, Trump. The new tax bill ring any bells?

Also, read the rest of this thread and LEARN.
4 ups, 7y,
1 reply
Ya try reading some history and you will find out how that debt was built up for decades, try to educate yourself before you comment
3 ups, 7y
Yes, however, prior to Obama's presidency, the Debt only measured at approx. $10 Trillion. By the end of his presidency, it had measured at approx. $20 Trillion. Obama did what no other president had done, he doubled the National Debt.
3 ups, 7y,
2 replies
How was stating Obama never hit annualized 3% GDP growth misleading? It's really simple - Obama did not. Even the first line of the story gives us a clue that you are the one attempting to mislead :

"Technically, the President of the United States was correct."

Time for the mic drop.

Now explain how the annualized GDP rate UNDER OBAMA, AND OBAMA ALONE, fell from 3.8% in Q2 2015 to 1.2% in Q3 2016. Go on - I dare you to refute that vicious pack of facts.
5 ups, 7y,
2 replies
Because Trump quoted 3% growth on a shorter scale, not annual. At times Obama achieved that too.

Mic Drop.
4 ups, 7y,
4 replies

Lemme learn you a little knowledge. Annualized GDP growth is the average of all four quarters on the year. If every quarter is more than 3%, then the annualized rate WILL be above 3%.

Trump inherited a pathetic GDP of 1.2% and the very next quarter turned it into 3.1%. Next came 3.3%. This quarter will be called at 3.9%. See the trend? There is precisely zero doubt in any logical mind the first annualized rate of GDP in the Trump Administration will finish above 3%.

I am willing to bet the first quarter GDP of 2018 will be in the range of 4.0 to 4.2 percent. That means the annualized GDP will be 3.575% for the first year of Trump's Presidency.

Once the tax cuts kick in, America will be back above 5% growth in GDP and we will forever prove OBAMA SUCKED AT RUNNING AN ECONOMY.
6 ups, 7y,
3 replies
What was the GDP growth when Obama took over? I wonder what % growth on that he accomplished vs what Trump wil grow given the GDP *he* inherited from Obama.

I am willing to bet Trump was handed a better deal/economy than Obama was. Are you going to argue that?
3 ups, 7y,
1 reply
They can't because it's true. Obama was handed an economic disaster but you will never get a fox news watching Trumpkin to admit it or the fact that the economy was in good shape when Trump took office
2 ups, 7y
Because it wasn't in good shape. 1% annualized growth is an embarrassment. It is an undeniable sign of incompetence. Had Obama been President six more months the GDP surely would have been in negative territory, as Obama brought the economy to a screeching halt, and only took the last six months of his office to do so. I quote me again :

"The economy was tanking under Obama, with GDP plummeting from 2.8% in July 2016 to 1.2% in January 2017."

There is nobody else to blame! Obama was President the entire time, and Bush had left office *SEVEN YEARS* earlier.

The simple fact is Obama was a blithering idiot at running an economy. Period. End of Story. Full stop.
1 up, 7y,
2 replies
Ok, but remember - you wanted this.

The day the blithering idiot Obama was sworn in, annualized GDP stood at -2%. It took the idiot Obama NEARLY TWO YEARS to get the economy back to positive growth of 2%.

BUT since the blithering idiot blamed his incompetence on Bush for eight years, I am more than content to award the credit to Bush as well. So in truth, using the rules the blithering idiot Obama set forth, Obama didn't do squat with the economy in 8 years.

Trump was sworn in at 1% annualized GDP and in less than 90 days we were at 3%. It took Trump three months what it took Obama - excuse me, I mean George Bush - *ONE YEAR* to do, which is grow the economy 2%.

No matter what you say, no matter what you do you cannot change the numbers and you sure as hell cannot change the math. Hands down, Trump is the better President on matters of economy.
1 up, 7y,
2 replies
So you say Obama went from -2% to 2% in 2 years, which is a 4 point growth (so 2pt's a year average). Since Trump came into office the GDP has grown 1 point. In one year. That's 1 pt a year average. Half that of Obama.

Obama's track record is literally 100% better by your own admission. LOL
1 up, 7y
1.2 to 3.2 is a 166% increase. In whole numbers its 2. Not 2%. A 2% increase from 1.2 would be 1.224
1 up, 7y
Wow. You got everything wrong in one paragraph.

The annualized GDP stood at 1.2% the day Trump was sworn in. Less than 90 days later, it stood at 3.2%, for a 2% increase.

Look, I know thinking and math are hard, but seriously - you don't have the chops for it. You really should go back to the kiddie table and let the adults talk until you can handle it.
1 up, 7y,
2 replies
He's better how? What has he done to effect the economy? What policies we're passed?
1 up, 7y
Just list what he has done. What policies has he passed that made the economy/gdp grow?

Go ahead. We'll wait.
1 up, 7y
3rd quarter annualized GDP growth of 3.9% and you ask what Trump has done to AFFECT the economy? You are an idiot, and can't even use the language correctly. Sorry, but you just do not have the requisite intelligence to have this conversation.
1 up, 7y
Well you're gonna love the economy after Trump is done with it. We'll be trillions more in debt.
4 ups, 7y
By the way- what policies has Trump enacted to effect the GDP growth?
3 ups, 7y

That is one of the most compelling and rational arguments I have ever heard.
3 ups, 7y
Forgot to mention the sunset clause and then taxes go WAY up unless your very wealthy. Get a grip and try using real information
3 ups, 7y
Multiple times
4 ups, 7y
4 ups, 7y
Facts!! What a joke
3 ups, 7y,
1 reply
1 up, 7y,
1 reply
Did you SERIOSLY just cite CNN?
4 ups, 7y,
1 reply
Along with many other sources, sorry to inform you that Dictator Trump ISN'T correct about calling every news site that he doesn't like fake. Fox news on the other hand DEFINITELY FAKE
1 up, 7y,
1 reply

But CNN was CAUGHT making up the Russia bullshit.
1 up, 7y
Forget that, how about the "Tillerson is resigning" fake news? I haven't seen that Tillerson resignation happen yet.

Then there are Thomas Frank, Eric Lichtblau, and Lex Haris, who were fired from CNN for putting fake news on the air.

Then there was the fake news mangling Trump's quote about foreign car manufacturers that was so bad even the WaPo called CNN on the bullshit.

Then there was the Wikileaks fake news that CNN had wrong by TEN DAYS.

Seriously, only an uneducated, partisan idiot would think CNN is a credible news source.
3 ups, 7y,
2 replies
I noticed you completely ignored the 90 million plus of our tax money being spent on golf trips, guess it's ok with you
3 ups, 7y
I notice you completely ignored the $20 TRILLION in debt Obama added, so I just thought you were being a partisan hypocrite.
3 ups, 7y
I noticed you completely ignored the $20 TRILLION of debt Obama added, so I ignored you being a partisan hypocrite.
3 ups, 7y
Here at least make an effort to get your "facts" correct
1 up, 7y,
1 reply
"JohnDynamo3 ups, 1 reply

I quote myself : "Now explain how the annualized GDP rate UNDER OBAMA, AND OBAMA ALONE, fell from 3.8% in Q2 2015 to 1.2% in Q3 2016. Go on - I dare you to refute that vicious pack of facts."

Trump inherited an economy on the verge of negative growth AGAIN under Obama. That's a FACT regardless of what your emotions tell you."

You lie too much.
1 up, 7y
I have to ask myself :

SELF! What part of "too stupid" does this person not understand?

After all, they think Congress can pass law without the President, and when I pointed out how incredibly wrong they were BY CITING THE TEXT FROM THE CONSTITUTION, they pretended not to notice. Sort of like someone that has pissed their pants, and hopes upon hope that you won't notice.

That's ok, because I noticed and I will continue to hammer how stupid they are by pointing it out at every possible opportunity until they admit their stupidity. Why? Because admitting you have a problem is the first step of recovery.
4 ups, 7y,
2 replies
Fake news and obviously you have NO idea how the economy works. All of the gains until recently were from Obama policies and things he did, not Trump. Try actually reading and watching something other than Fox news. Trump's policies are just now within the last 45 days starting to take effect on the economy. That's a FACT regardless of what fake news Fox and Breitbart are telling you.
3 ups, 7y,
2 replies

I quote myself : "Now explain how the annualized GDP rate UNDER OBAMA, AND OBAMA ALONE, fell from 3.8% in Q2 2015 to 1.2% in Q3 2016. Go on - I dare you to refute that vicious pack of facts."

Trump inherited an economy on the verge of negative growth AGAIN under Obama. That's a FACT regardless of what your emotions tell you.
5 ups, 7y,
1 reply
Again you forgot to mention the economy under Bush that he crashed, cost of the wars and the debt that was added under his administration. You keep crying about Trump inheriting a bad economy and that's simply not true. You sound like every single right wing propaganda site and the garbage they have been spewing. So if it was so bad under Obama why did we see continuing growth and the end of a Republican caused crash of the economy.... Face it Obama didn't suck, Bush did and so does Trump. Enjoy paying more in taxes one the GOP bill sunsets on everyone but the wealthy and the economy tanks again
2 ups, 7y
You can say it's not true all you want, but the FACT of the matter is the annualized GDP on the day Trump was sworn into office was 1.2%.

THAT is entirely, completely, 100% on Obama, and nobody else. That you would even dare to dispute hard numbers tells me you are the same type of blithering idiot as Obama.
1 up, 7y
"JohnDynamo11 ups, 5 replies
Let's see...

US GDP, 4th Quarter 2009 : -2.4%
US GDP, 4th Quarter 2017 : +3.98%
Difference : 6.38%

Thanks for the reminder what an absolute bumbling incompetent Obama was at running an economy. Also, Obama NEVER had a GDP over 3% the entire time he was in office. Trump is automatically a better President than Obama for that reason alone.

3.98%, baby!!"

You said,

"Also, Obama NEVER had a GDP over 3% the entire time he was in office."

Yet now you said

"GDP... 3.8% in Q2 2015"

You lie too much.
3 ups, 7y,
1 reply
Your a special kind of stupid. So in you logic Trump is trying to turn the United States into Russia...
4 ups, 7y,
2 replies
Russia bot
1 up, 7y
ROFLMAO! I am so old I remember when Obama mocked Mitt Romney when Romney said Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe. Now look at all the idiot Liberals pretending that the situation was reversed.

If stupid were currency, Liberals would be the wealthiest beings in the universe.
2 ups, 7y
Rather that than a commie sucking Castro's d!ck.
4 ups, 7y,
1 reply
Typical response from a Trumpkin
3 ups, 7y
F**k off idiot. You sound just like a Trumpkin. You don't even know me but like most Repubtards you can't even debate with posting shit like that. Your a disgrace and why don't you go to Cuba asshole
1 up, 7y
No, that treasonous commie bastard Trump only sucks off Putin. But then again, you got Putin the Great's shirtless pics plastering your wall so that makes it alright.
1 up, 7y,
1 reply
Your an idiot
0 ups, 7y
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