Your recommendations:
1. Network,
2. Repost memes,
3. Make sure they are mass marketable
How is that not kissing ass,
And using proven popular memes like I said?
Oh and,
"If you put in consistent effort over long periods of time on positive interaction with the community your work will be seen and may even get voted on.
Took me 6 weeks of solid commenting before I got any amount of views, even then I still didn't get the votes, simply because I was making memes for the wrong audience. Took me another month to get the audience right. Still do get it wrong sometimes. Temptation to make memes for myself only is still strong. lol"
Nixes this:
"The fact that reposts get upvoted to the top of front page when they're posted by unknown users or even posted anonymously shows that most don't care.
Anonymous memes making it to the front page shows that poster reputation is not so big as it is made out to be."
Here's the thing. Not everyone here is here to stand in the glare of some imaginary spotlight to accrue points with absolutely no use other than to assuage feelings of worth.
I don't even post every day. Heck, these last two have been the most time I've spent here in months.
What you're saying is proving my point. A voting system used to punish and also to form a heirarchy of unjustifiably over inflated egos based on thievery instead of originality and, dare say I, creative talent.
Here's something that would be useful: A way of closing/separating notifications of comments we've replied to from those we have yet to.
I owe you 3 replies from last month. And I owe some others also. Spent a gallon of time 2 nights ago trying to find them. Find one from you, checked it out, nope, I've already replied. Back to notifications again, from the top, and scroll scroll scroll,,, I have yet to find them.
Now a way of marking "replied" - THAT would be useful.