"Of course not."
I didn't think so. It's just something I feel compelled to ask when someone brings up the Indians while talking about the threat of islam. Because every time someone defends islam they use one of these three arguments:
1. They say Western foreign policy/America provoked jihads to become violent
2. They say Christianity is just as bad or worse
3. They bring up what western Europeans did to the Indians
"I agree."
"So by that logic, if radical Muslims take over America, they deserve to have it, because they took it by conquest?"
No, they would not deserve America. They would just be obtaining it by conquest. (The Turks don't deserve Constantinople, but they captured it...)
"Except that Europeans weren't always that scrupulous when making deals and treaties with the Indians."
I don't know much about the negotiations that went on with the Europeans and the Natives. I am sure there was some underhanded deals done and treaties broken.
"Also, what land is being given to refugees?"
All of Germany appears to be given to refugees. With Angela (refugee mother) Merkel in charge, Germany has opened their boarders to refugees by the thousands. I have heard that other European countries are having similar problems, but I have not looked much into them. I heard that Germany is the worse. So Germany is the country I have been looking into the most. Their situation is not good at all. It is so unbelievable it's not surprising that some people deny what is happening over there.
"No, not really."
What do you mean here? Do you mean Multiculturalism is good or that fancy names does not erase the evil? Or something else?
In any case the outcome of "multiculturalism" has not been good. One could debate whether the intent was good or bad. Regardless, there has been more bad than good, still politicians are in favor of it. In Germany for example, the German women are pretty much free game to refugee males. And the government could care less what happens to their women. Just as long as no repercussions come to the refugees responsible.
"And your criticism of Henriette Reker's comment is justified."
So you have heard of what is going on in Germany? This may require another time, but how much do you know about it?
"And those people would be who, exactly?"
Well I have heard that the majority of refugees are Syrian refugees. And they are the ones raping/assaulting European women. I have also heard that muslim immigrants (not sure ....