Not implies, but ADMITS guilt.
michael jackson really paid someone $23,000,000 to NOT talk about pedo mj NOT raping him? Really?
Same goes for bill. What kind of logic do YOU follow that says otherwise?
Do have any ideas how many crimes that bastard got away with via not just settlement, but connections, harrasment, and outright threat? Him and his boys during his tenure as Arkansas govenor were called the Arkansas mafia for a reason.
BONUS TREAT: Check out the MacDougal case, which goes back to bill & hillary's pre-gov real estate days. They were sentanced to prison for what they and the clintons were equal willing knowing partners in. If billy bob weren't Pres at the time of the trial, he & she would have been prosecuted and sentanced as well. bill pardoned the MacDougals in his last days of office.
You really think she was called "Crooked hillary" because it sounded cute? Y'all ever think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, y'all are right?
If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, THEN IT AIN'T AN AD HOMINEM ATTACK,,,
Oh, and it's ModdaFugga, you spelled it wrong,,,