The problem is I have been listening to The "climate Change" people since the 70's when it was "Another Ice Age is coming" To Global Warming" and Now Climate Changers. I Challenge you to explain to me how man caused an Ice age or caused The Warming that ended the Ice age around 10,000 years ago. Man was not using machinery or fossil fuels or possibly even in existence at that time. I have worked and spoken with some of the premier scientists from all over the country and The University of Alaska Fairbanks geophysics dept. and they don't agree on Climate change either. What has been discovered is Flaws in Modeling computer analysis and it was done for one reason... MONEY. Money for research from Government Grants , and then you find Out The Al Gore "Carbon Credits scam" and you will scratch your head and realize its a Money Scheme. Carbon dioxide like every other gas has a heat absorption factor of .1 where water vapor has a heat absorption of 1.0 so something is Flawed in the "man made climate change due to CO2 levels. Plus when CO2 levels rise , earths green plants grow faster and release more oxygen as they absorb the CO2. I will say that all the asphalt and concrete in cities are contributing to localized areas of heat absorption from solar energy. Volcanoes contribute More Chloroflurocarbons and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than man has produced. The ash and particulates can block sunlight and cause a cooling effect on the Earth and God help us If Yellowstone Blows ! FYI , my primary research was in earthquakes, volcanoes, and the ionosphere relating to radio propagation as well as being a NWS weather observer for a time. I was also interviewed by Dr. Richard Hoagland and my theory confirmed after the Tethered satellite NASA mission went wrong as to what had happened and the satellite became the first isotropic Radiator that Ground based antennas are modeled after. I would like to leave you with food for thought... The earths orbit around the sun varies slightly over decades however , the question is , why does the slight distance change due to the tilt of the earth vary the temperature so much in the North from June 21(Hot) to Dec.21(Sub Zero) if the distance from the Sun was not so critical in the climate Change Modeling ? Don't get Upset...its Science brother !