Worse... A Royal monarchist that (has witnessed and took note of who their Aunte and Cousins have Damed and Knighted for their 'feminist' contributions towards the progression of their 'people') believes in holding women to exactly what they say. You say you want space; I want to f**k your friend(in one situation her cousin). You don't want to live off a man's wages, pay half this check. Oh you need me to pay the whole check; well the rule is ass, cash, or grass. Otherwise GTFO (left her standing there as I went to the movie myself).
You got a va**na; so do prostitutes. Therefore as an economist, I can place a value on your feminist exceptionalism. Ergo, feminist exceptionalism is just an inferior good when considering the alternative.
To those women that turned to exceptionalist because a male humanist hurt you; maybe you deserved to be hurt because you learned to be the 'female victim' before learning how your hormones, emotions, actions work.