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upvotefairy (133856)
Joined 2015-02-09
just because i won't downvote you does not always mean i will upvote you either.
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Unexpected. in fun
1 up, 4y
Overly Attached Girlfriend in fun
1 up, 7y
5.6 hours of sleep assuming he was hyperventilating the whole f**king time
Vegan porn in fun
2 ups, 8y
this deserves more upvotes...
Thanks to Brandy_Jackson for inspiring this meme. in fun
3 ups, 9y
left, loose, lose, dispel, negative
Bitch stole my look. in fun
3 ups, 9y
i sold these vacuums door to door, nowadays they use kevlar to make the fan and the hose is made from the same material as scuba gear so you can purposely try to rip and kink it as much as you like but it will go back to its original shape as if it were nothing.

still not worth the 2000 price tag my company sold it for, the actual profitable value is less than 1300 but we don't tell anyone that. now when a random kirby dude tries salesman shit on you, you know to bring it up and pay less than 30 bucks a month in financing.