Why the F**K shouldn't I take this go***mn website seriously? You know what, eat shit and I hate you, go die in a hole filled with butt, you f**king dickshit asshole, you don't deserve love because you aren't cool and I don't like you jerk, you just hate love and kittens and chocolate and fries and just want to make me feel bad, but you're a buttface and really dumb because you think you are better than me at everything but you suck dicks so you are a f**karoni who also eats shit for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dinner. I f**ked your mom so ha I am better than you at everything f**ker, except for sucking dicks, which you do because you are a big butthole and I will never be your friend because I am better than you at not sucking dicks, because I know you do, and you hate me for being a cheesebag which makes you a racist to delicious snack items and you eat babies. I f**ked your mom which makes me cooler than you because you are not cool and you hate me because I am an awsome person who, unlike you, knows how to not suck yummy dicks. And you eat shit. #BewareMemeageddon