LOL classic! Little Shop Of Horrors was one of the cheesiest films ever, I still watch it if I catch it on TV!!! They do strangely go together don't they!?!?!
Because you're a person too and you have the same human rights as everyone else. The way you were born shouldn't have to embarrass you. And yes, there are some people who are born with both parts. Appreciate them.
My wife was friends with such a person raised as a boy, but was female in soul. I respected her, and she said I was very hetero(?!) Wish we had more opportunity to visit. Really changes your perspective.
I guess it all depends on who is applying the labels doesn't it? I don't care what anybody's preferences are, they aren't my business and there is no reason why I need to know.
My point going back to the original meme is that often in this case the doctor leaves it up to the parents to decide what to put on the birth certificate. Sadly they won't know for sure until probably years later whether they chose correctly.
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