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Seattle PRIDE

238 views 14 upvotes Made by vBackman 3 days ago in conservatives
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Imagine the left and the state sponsored medias heads exploding if anyone held a straight sex parade
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Shocked Face EVERY Single Day!
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Fishing For Attention | FISHING FOR ATTENTION | image tagged in fishing for attention | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
4 ups, 2d
Good one, Bluessol! 😂😆😜
5 ups, 2d
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

God let us know almost 2,000 years ago and even further back that these days would come upon us. Those that are enamored of the insanity on display today are following the prophecies laid out two millennia ago. There is still time to come to their senses, but I fear that for many, they are too entrenched in their 'ideology' to admit their error. You, and others, have rightfully pointed out that we are in a fight; good vs. evil. Those of us that have read the Book, know how it ends.
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LEFTARD MEDIA & CULTURE "Sure kid, I know Pride month is over technically- but here-  have some more woke!" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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The people you describe are 'mentally ill' (or on drugs). The people in the video I posted are also mentally ill. The difference is that progressive Democrats don't see (or pretend not to see) that this behavior is sick. What is even worse is that it is advanced as NORMAL behavior and easily led, low IQ people accept that at face value.
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A DIVERSE GROUP OF PEOPLE; from all cultures & genders; Diversity OR Perversity?