" right wingers are always freaked out by the idea of losing their "guns" while at the same time telling everyone to OBEY the law and government."
You do realize how incredibly illogical your sentence is, right OAE? Considering the law, in the form of the Constitution, guarantees the right to keep and bear arms, your sentence makes zero sense.
"What the F do you need guns for if you are clearly never going to use them against any governments or their armed jackboots"
Why the F do you believe those of us who believe in the 2nd Amendment believe they would only be used against government? Where do you get this stuff?
"To fight off criminals? You are in more damger from your faimly and friends than ANY strangers."
Hardly. My family knows how to handle guns safely. Unless you mean strangers that would randomly attack my home and find out that the door is there more for their protection than mine.
"Home owners LEGALLY shooting a criminal is antidotal at best. Here in our RED STATE I don't recall the last time someone here killed a criminal intruder"
Whoa... it's a good thing spelling doesn't have anything to do with intelligence. I suppose you don't own home insurance, or any other kind of insurance, because the odds are that you'll never need it, right? If it only happened once a year in this country, that would be enough for me to want to defend myself and my family.
"AMERICA!!!! Where you can defend yourself against a crime but don't even think about it if the people smashing into your house are cops without a warrant"
And there it is. Off the rails.