I'm assuming you mean Americans like me, in which case you're right.
You don't happen to mean the Bolshevik, far left terrorists like antifa and BLM. I mean how can people who terrorise innocents, race bait, promote economically unsound polices, push vile sexual pseudoscience, mock Christ, promote soulless modern art, engage in mob-mentality if they don't get a participation trophy, assault our fine men and women in uniform, seek to take away free speech and the right of citizens to bear arms, impose nonsensical cultural norms and actively shill for major corporations and big tech interests while none-the-wiser to their masters gaining from them.
It couldn't be them you're talking about, anon. Oh what am I saying of course you don't. Praise Jesus, liberty and the freedom to pursue your dreams free of any prejudice or hatred in our wonderful 1st world society where all lives matter and we use our words over our fits my fellow freedom lover.