The Millionaire's Club keeps growing and growing....reallyitsjohn will be there soon and Jying is getting closer...Lynch1979 is flying up the's nice to see that some newcomers get know, the ones that are doing all the right things...taking the site by storm along the way....
I got a meme right now that's like that... . I don't think anyone has gotten the joke on this one yet...I think it's obvious to any "Man" that's ever actually seen one...woman should get it right away, although I can't see any women liking that one...LOL
"We're sorry. The road you're trying to reach has been disconnected. Please turn around, and try the road again. If you are unable to travel the road as pursued, please dial 5-1-1 for more options."
It's not respectful to put meme comments on people's memes that don't seem to have anything to do with the joke they made (also, the picture of that half woman / half dragon creature touching herself is pretty foul).