Flag yourself.
Use of phrase "Echo Chamber":
Smear Phrase and Misnomer, This is the "Politics" Stream where opposing political viewpoints are entertained and discussed. Unlike, "other" streams. That you are even posting here says something, and that I'm even bothering to respond to you.
"I speculate": In other words, "Hypothesize".
Undocumented persons" In other words, "entering the country illegally" with or without 'body art'.
"Some were sent to prison for tattoos: You mean like these ones?" Or do they have to be more specific, like, dice, bunny ears, cholos, 5 and 6 point crowns, the #13, hearts with wings, cracker bolts, MOB (Money Over bi**hes, Man Of Business) YOLO (You only live once) etc, etc, Klowns (anarchy). Do your own research, kid.