You see, that's all a leftist brain that's all twisted up with TDS can process; gibberish like that.
Because using facts, leftists can't defend maintaining the waste, fraud, and abuse that's being eliminated.
The sheeple are following their leaders on the left who are freaking out because without our taxpayer money, they have no money for bribes, no kickbacks, nothing to line their pockets, NO POWER.
So of course they're crying like babies. So of course they're lying to you. I would expect nothing less from real grifters who see their unlimited supply of money drying up.
And the true sheeple, the 20% diehards, lap it up, fooling themselves into thinking that it's still like 2021...
Leftists are SO and STILL on the wrong side of this issue and all the other 80/20 issues. Just like when you try to defend keeping TDA and MS13's murdering, raping, child molesting, assaulting, criminals, gang members in this country.
Lefties just don't get it. Most people want them gone, just like most people want our govt to stop pissing away $TRILLION$ of dollars of OUR MONEY on wasteful crap and bribes / kickbcks when we're $36.6 TRILLION in debt.
Why doesn't the left get it? (no worries, it's rhetorical, bc nobody on the left gets it)