You can lie about Reagan all you want, modda, but the bottom line is illegals vote. I guarantee you they vote here in Taxifornia. That's either wittingly or unwittingly, since when we give illegals driver's licenses, they have the option of signing up to vote right there. So they an either intentionally check the box in order to vote, or check it in error due to a possible misunderstanding, and then in the mail they will receive everything they need to vote.
And NO, here in Taxifornia it is ILLEGAL for poll workers to ask anyone for their ID. In the last election, when I voted for Trump for a 3rd time, they did everything possible to get me to voluntarily show them my ID. Sorry, no thanks. I can play ball for team blue.
Anecdotally, when I voted for Trump last time, some poor fellow was being told he couldn't vote because he had already voted. He assured the poll workers that he hadn't voted, but they said that he had, so he was fcuked. I'm sure he appreciated that. Thanks demonrats. You expect a sacraficial guard to show you their ID when you try to storm a building, but not when they vote. Demonrat priorities are bass-ackwards.