There were at least 2 other protesters who died that day. I don't think they were murdered like Babbitt was. On guy appeared to die of a heart attack but I have no way of knowing. I saw video of him laying on the ground and some of the protesters were giving CPR. Another woman was trying to get out of the Capitol but the cops were blocking them, trying to keep them in. Eventually the people over powered to cops. A woman, about the time she got out of the building fell over. The cops tried to give her CPR but it was too late.
Another protester who never even made any attempt to enter the building was shot in the face with a rubber bullet that went completely through his cheek. He had a paper towel wadded up inside his mouth with part of it visible on the outside of his cheek through the bullet hole.
No cops were harmed other a few bruises, cuts or scraped. One cop died later that day at home of a heart attack and the media tried to make something out of that and failed.