Because they ARE Canadian.
I loved that Toronto Trucker Convoy Protest in 2022. There was a ton of members here who have no idea what the name of the state they supposedly live in is, but they do know who MP Cedrick Kendell of Prince Edward Island is and how the Mounties are in Alberta as they posted away on all things Canadian. 2/3 of US citizens cannot find Canada on the map. But they know Ministers of parliament in Canada.
I've certified more members here as Canadian than from the US. Just a handful, not talking about the majority of members on this stream and whatnot, but Canadians far outnumber anybody who actually is from the USA here. They're also more British here than us as well.
See, unlike in Facebook, no one here has to explain to their mum why they're claiming to be a Yank when they're sitting in her kitchen eating kippers for breakfast. And they don't have to deal with legit Americans asking why their pictures are all taken in the UK. Their page on this site as a tagline and recent memes. That's it. No About info to bust them on.