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14 ups, 3mo
13 ups, 3mo
Yes... and now that the IG has proven Jan 6 was a Fedsurrection, they still cling to their MSM - Pelosi - FBI lie...
12 ups, 3mo
Many officers were hurt during the BLM/defund-the-police attacks on the police and federal buildings in Portland and Seattle. Quite a few of those rioters were bailed out by nonprofit bail group supported by Kamala Harris. Most of the attackers got off with plea deals. There was no hardball DOJ prosecution. None were arrested with 5AM swat team raids accompanied by national news coverage.
9 ups, 3mo
7 ups, 3mo,
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We live in a Free, and Open Society of Liberty,
for every Woman, Man, and child.
1 up, 3mo
5 ups, 3mo,
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Cannot even post a LOL in another stream. maybe they can learn from Zuckerberg and allow free Speech instead of banning Free Speech like an LOL!!!
3 ups, 3mo
I can't comment in "PoliticsTOO" and don't really care
4 ups, 3mo,
4 replies
Never forget the democrats were the people who supported slavery in the civil war
3 ups, 3mo,
2 replies
However you wish to justify it. Facts are facts. Republicans were willing to train 75,000 troops to attack their neighbors, confiscate their property, real estate etc; and then not pay them according to the Constitutional provisions for eminent domain compensation and a reasonable privacy from searches and seizures..... of which the Republicans did in proliferation during and in the aftermath of the war.

Yet, Grant accepting Lee's surrender admonished his troops from gloating in victory, as they only merely returned their defeated fellow countrymen back into the Union they had seceded from.

One's gloating in the fantasy memory that Slavery was only supported by Democrats only displays that one's own ancestors likely moved here as immigrants through Ellis Island, or later.
That or one disrespects the leadership of Grant, whom showed more discretion and understanding in his pinky finger than others have in their whole body
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
"Fantasy" ???
You seem to have fantasy and fact confused. 100% of slaves in America were owned by democrats. That is proven fact. Everything you said is a load of horseshyt. What do you get out of lying. No matter how many lies you tell the truth remains the truth.
1 up, 3mo,
2 replies
Hmmm. One must scratch ones head here a bit.
A mistaken "statement of fact as proven" when it simply and demonstrably can be shown to the contrary, could also be considered a lie, could it not?

Please provide evidence for your statement that 100% of slaves in America were owned by democrats? Cite some sources please. Maybe a link?

Seems that Ulysses S. Grant was a Republican, and it is documented that he owned a Slave That inconvenient fact, does not concur with the claim of 100% Democrat "concrete proven fact".

"Although he later served as a general in the Union Army, his wife Julia had control of four slaves during the American Civil War, given to her by her father. It is unclear if she actually was granted legal ownership of them or merely temporary custody.[20] All would be freed along with those freed by the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, although by choice, as the proclamation did not apply to her state of Missouri.[20] Grant personally owned one slave, William Jones, given to him by his father-in-law and freed by Grant shortly after being given title on March 29, 1859"

U.S. Grant's father was a huge supporter of Ohio Governor Samuel P. Chase, a free-soiler and abolitionist, and around at the inception and creation of the Republican Party formed in the vacuum left by the Whigs demise, politically. Chase would go on to preside over the legality of Reconstruction, during Grant's presidency, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and also presided in the aftermath of the Civil War, over the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's VP, a democrat and yes, a slave owner.
2 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
See this is why Republicans are better than democrats. They can admit they're wrong and not waste a lot of time trying to prove themselves.
1 up, 3mo,
3 replies
Is there some wrong that needs admitted? Please do provide evidence with links.

One might gather that some here liked Republican President George W. Bush endorsing Hillary Clinton in 2016?
Is that what made the Republican in him better than democrats ?
Was Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz campaigning for democrat Kamala a sign that they were better Republicans?

Consider this:
Whig Party nominee Zachary Taylor won the 1848 Presidential Election vs. Democrat Party nominee Lewis Cass. All Slave owners were NOT Democrats as people have claimed here on this thread. Both Zachary and Lewis owned slaves. Only one of them was registered Democrat..
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
You choosing to use the Cheney's as "republican" representation shows just how far you have been indoctrinated into not being able to use your brain to think at all.
George Bush ?!? Seriously ??? George Bush Senior was one of the founding members of the globalist elites that are trying to take over the world. Bush Senior was at one point the difector of the CIA while at the same time holding a position of power in the KKK. Bush Junior followed in his daddy's footsteps but was never intelligent enough to get the job completed.
Now you have both Hillary and Biden heaping praise on Robert Byrd, a leader of the KKK that held a position of power almost unequaled in the democrat militant organization known as THE KKK.
You cherry pick "facts" that you think you can twist to make a point from things that are 100% untrue. Your "heroic" attempt at deflection here is not working. Democraps have always accused the other side of doing exactly what the democrats themselves are doing and you people don't even have the sense to see that intelligent free thinking people of the world see right through your ruse.
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
Good to Learn
0 ups, 3mo
Still looking for all the evidence for literally anything said, with links as requested....
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Grant was a registered Whig,
just like Abe Lincoln was a Registered Whig.
Both became the first two Republican Presidents.

Grant was a Whig that was gifted a slave and freed him as soon as he had been sent the title of ownership so he could legally grant Wm Jones, manumission in 1859.

Grant is likely the only son of an Abolitionist to ever be a Slave Owner; and like a good abolitionist, he knew what to do with the property, once he gained title. Set people free.
William Jones was the first of many slaves
TO BE SET FREE BY the direct orders of GRANT, the second ever Republican President.

You gents act like it's worse to be called a Democrat than it is to be called a Slave Owner.
While many Slave Owners were Democrats, not all Democrats were Slave Owners and for example here it is appropriate to offer Union General George B. McClellan,
the 1864 Democratic Party Nominee for President.
2 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
Actually, it kind of IS worse to be called a democrat. Because the democrats, even if they didn't ALL own slaves, certainly made no effort to stop slavery. In fact they protected it, and ceded from the Union to protect it, and fought a frickin war to protect it. Republicans didn't do that, democrats did.
0 ups, 3mo
& George B. McClellan UNION GENERAL running as the Democrat Party Nominee DURING THE CIVIL WAR, "against President Lincoln?

You're saying that McClellan "certainly made no effort to stop slavery. In fact protected it."

Quite an awkward statement to even begin to address.
One wonders why that "frickin' war" was bothered with,
if citizens are going to say such folly,
then try to justify it via Hubris w/o evidence.

GOD BLESS RONALD REAGAN. He learned, retained, shared, and knew his USA history.
0 ups, 3mo
Literally what I just said
2 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
but in that quote, it said "and freed by Grant shortly thereafter".
1 up, 3mo
Tough to give manumission until one legally acquires the title. Grant was a registered Whig, the forerunner merging with the Free Soiler Party, to become the Republican Party.
( George Washington was a Whig)
0 ups, 3mo,
3 replies
Nice words pal. Republicans will train 75,000 troops to attack their neighbor [ especially if they are on of the pan or gay liberal ]
1 up, 3mo,
2 replies
Well there's the stupidest thing I'll this month.
2 ups, 3mo
Be Careful of the words you use,
Keep them soft and sweet.
You never know from day to day,
which ones you'll have to eat.
0 ups, 3mo
Cap Lil bro
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Fact is that Virginia did not ratify secession from the Union until May 23rd, 1861; and at that same time set the date of June 6th for their USA serving Union Troops to officially join the Confederacy.

Therefore McClellan's (for Republican President Lincoln) attacked U.S. troops with U.S. Troops
effectively on the offensive June 1st during the Battle of Fairfax Courthouse, and June 3rd during the Battle of Philippi, Barbour County, Virginia

YES, SLAVERY and it's ABOLISHMENT as a practice are THE MOST IMPORTANT consideration of the USA Civil War.
That acknowledged, Other minor Contributing Factors were
1) the Transcontinental Railroads to be built as surveyed a decade earlier by men like McClellan and Lander under the Orders of Jefferson Davis.
That and
2) the 3rd Industrial Revolution necessary to build the steel for
RailRoad tracks, engines, and cars and coal to operate the steam and oil to grease the axles.
3) Labor, be it former Slave Labor, indentured servitude, Irish Labor, German Labor, Chinese Labor
1 up, 3mo
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply

The relevant facts are that this 75k troops called up by the 16th president, Lincoln, were in response to an "insurrection" at Fort Sumter where NOBODY was killed. The 75k were trained by McClellan
(The Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Opponent of Lincoln in the 1864 election)

Jefferson Davis, former Secretary of War for the USA under a previous administration,
14th President Franklin Pierce. Davis at that time commissioned the Topographical Engineers of the Army Corps of Engineers to Map out a plan for 5 Transcontinental Railroad Routes. He ordered McLellan to survey parts of the Western North/South route from San Diego to Tacoma, and the Northern Route from Tacoma to Minneapolis. (The final one of the five to eventually be completed)
McLellan had a little help from Frederick Lander to survey multiple sections for Jefferson Davis as USA Seceretary of War. All 5 of these routes commissioned by Davis, would be built by the Union in the Aftermath of the U.S. Civil War.

McClellan was a President of a Railroad Company at the time Lincoln asked him to re-enlist and become General and leading trainer of 75k troops in his state of Ohio. McLellan was Lincoln's 2nd choice, as Honest Abe offered the job of General initially to the U.S. Marines leader at 1859 Harpers Ferry, a Virginian U.S. Officer by the name of Lee.
Lee, a fourth generation Virginian whose wife was the great grandaughter of George Washington's wife, Martha Custis, The First, first lady of the USA
Lee, declined Lincoln's offer, for he simply could not raise arms against his family's
Commonwealth of Virginia.

After 6 weeks of training, Lincoln and McLellan went on the Offensive:
-McLellan sent 3,000 troops from Ohio,
1,600 transported by Railroad Train from the North, 1,400 from the West in
a double envelopment, or pincer movement onto an unsuspecting town of 400 residents in Virginia
Assembled on the outskirts on Private Property of U.S. Citizens,
Raided the town, broke up their printing press, and resulting in amputations, injuries and 30 deaths.
-That same day, Stephen Douglas a narrow loser to Lincoln in the recent election, mysteriously up and died.
-Two nights prior, troops also ordered by McLellan, raided Fairfax County Courthouse, acquired some files and ransacked the place.
Game On.
By the time Honest Abe was through, Four Years later, 600,000 Americans lay dead.

Yes Slavery and it's Abolishment was The MAIN ISSUE.
2 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
"Slavery and it's Abolishment"??
Guys Kamala Harris somehow got hold of a computer. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
I kindly digress:

Abolish is the root word for Abolishment, Abolitionist, and Abolition in the King's English.

Ironic how the British established the institution of Slavery in the colony's that became states,
yet came up with a more civil solution to ending the institution, about thirty years earlier
2 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
Oh. My. God. You still don't get it. "It's" is a contraction for "it is". So that would be "Slavery and it is abolishment." Somehow that doesn't make sense.

Also, "in the colony's that became states"?! "Colony's" is possessive. For example:
"The colony's right to vote" or "The colony's right to cede".

Oh brother.

As soon as I'm 21, I'm registering as a Republican.
0 ups, 3mo
Brilliant !
Thank you for the reminder of the Scottish obsession, compulsive with semantics and conventions of spelling with a grammar lesson.

Consider replies a rough draught. Your excellent revision advise can be put to use in the future.

May we all take a moment to reflect on James Oglethorpe's friend, Samuel Johnson and the Dinner at Dilly's, with John Wilkes !
1 up, 3mo,
3 replies
Every slave that was owned in America were owned by democrats. 95% of the people who live in and around New Orleans are descended from slaves that were owned by black democrat slave owners. The very first slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson.
The civil war was not "North vs. South" The Civil War was democrats vs the Republicans who were fighting to end the democrat's practice of slavery.
There are so many things that our youth are not taught because the truth NEVER supports the democrat agenda.
2 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
Yep, also the democraps want to pay black people reparations in California. hello, earth to democraps, CALIFORNIA NEVER ALLOWED SLAVERY. Luckily I'm 13 and homeschooled so I don't get brainwashed at school
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
California had slavery.
0 ups, 3mo
Okay. You got me. I'll admit I was wrong.
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
2 ups, 3mo,
2 replies
Uh, Ulysses S. Grant was a Republican.
Zachary Taylor was a Whig,

12 of the first fourteen U.S. Presidents owned slaves.
Of these, Only 4 were Democrats.

Martin Van Buren, Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk,
and Lincoln's own VP were Democrats

Of these, Martin Van Buren left the Democratic Party, and Joined the Free Soil Party;
that same party that Samuel P. Chase belonged to prior to forming the Republican Party.
0 ups, 3mo
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
That argument has been debunked hundreds of times. FAIL. Ulysses S. Grant was a Democrat when his Father in Law gifted him a slave. Grant also immediately freed the slave.
No Republican ever owned a slave in America. It's simple. Why do you feel the need to try and save a sinking ship ?
2 ups, 3mo
So that is the straw one chooses to Grasp?

Did Grant also choose to free William Jones while as you claim still a Democrat, or only after he changed his affilitation? Regarding Julia Dent Grant, Hiram's wifes 4 Slaves released in Missouri, a state not bound by the Emancipation Proclamation; was General Grant a Republican by 1863?

Quite an odd notion that Grant's ENTIRE FAMILY was Republican, Cousins extended, yet you say he wasn't. And, you're partly correct. He was a registered WHIG.
And, while he was a leather tanner in Ohio with his brothers working for his father, his Abolitionist dad was on the campaign trail for Samuel P. Chase to become Governor of Ohio. Chase, a former Free Soiler turned Republican during that transition. Chase briefly became U.S. Senator from Ohio, and when Lincoln made him Secretary of the Treasury, he named his own replacement, the older brother of William Tecumseh Sherman, abolitionist John Sherman.
Sure ironic how as you say "a DEMOCRAT SLAVE OWNER like U.S. Grant" could run in that circle of friends that were SONS OF CINCINATTI in more ways than ones HUBRIS can count.

The reason Grant offered in his autobiography for in the 1856 presidential election that as a registered WHIG, he voted for Democrat Buchanan was because he thought correctly that the New Republican Party WAS SO WEAK in it's infantile state, that a vote for the Republican candidate would be a Sure Path To secession of the southern states, and lead to War.

Grant was ineligible to vote in 1860 as he could not register in time to vote in Illinois, yet he stated in his memoir he would have voted for Stephen Douglass, the Democrat Candidate for much the same reason. He knew the election of Lincoln would Bring War quickly. Grant was correct about that. Douglass wanted to take the railroad from Chicago to the Pacific Ocean first.
Douglass was instrumental in 1854 as a U.S. Senator to nullify the Missouri Compromise, and championed the Kansas-Nebraska Act that did it. Douglass could care less whether Slave Labor or other labor was used.
Lincoln concurred, yet thought he'd like to be the one to do it, with cheap Irish and German Immigrant Labor. In Contrast
Jefferson Davis wanted to connect the ATL, Atlanta, a city already a massive Railroad Hub to the Pacific Ocean First, via his two southern routes he had surveyed as Secretary of War to the 14th President, Franklin Pierce, to San Diego and L.A. first, and federally fund it, and then build it with Slave Labor
1 up, 3mo
Good point, they should be caught because basically everything you just stated was wrong,

You can look these things up you know.
2 ups, 3mo,
3 replies
Fun Fact:
Republican Lincoln's Vice President owned Slaves,
also, his Republican General that accepted the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox Courthouse was married to a lady whose family owned slaves.

Slavery was horrid. The CIVIL WAR to free them in the USA was even MORE horrid.
Much more horrid than the way slaves were freed 30 years earlier in England. Oh yeah, England
that country which ESTABLISHED SLAVERY in 12 of it's 13 North American Colonies as legal property. They handled freeing them w/o a war by paying reparations. Albeit to the Slave Owners.

Also, the US Civil War was Fought by the North and the South over LABOR. The north wanted to pay
Chinese and Irish Labor a minimum amount to lay railroad tracks for monopolies. The south wanted to use slave labor to build them. Either way, the Federal Gov't financed the building of 5 Transcontinental Routes.
That is what was worth fighting their neighbor over. The 3rd Industrial Revolution.
Freeing Slaves was just a means of Control, and 80 years of Power that went with that control; all the while appearing to take the Moral High Road.
2 ups, 3mo
Everybody owned slaves back then just because you owned them doesn't me an you support them sometimes you just need extra help
2 ups, 3mo
And nah it was fought over slave freedoms idiot
2 ups, 3mo,
2 replies
Bullshit. There was not even one Republican that ever owned slaves. Not one single slave in America was owned by anyone other than a democrap. Slavery in the U.S. was 100% a democrap thing. 100%.
0 ups, 3mo
& do tell which political party Ulysses S. Grant did belong ? (The two term 18th President)
0 ups, 3mo
That's ridiculous.
1 up, 3mo,
2 replies

Democratic Party split in two not once, but twice during the time over the issue.
0 ups, 2mo;view=fulltext
0 ups, 3mo
Well that's still a part of the democratic party diptard
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