So about your post, first you have to know WHY and WHO the 10 commandments was given to. Then you have to know WHY Jesus came over and why we are under a new covenant and law. No one was able to keep any of the commandments, even the most rightful man in the Bible, David, who was wealthier and had more wifes than Trump.
What made David righteous was that he had a heart devoted to God, and God gave him all the wealth, just as God also did to David's son Salomon, whom when God asked Salomon what he wanted, Salomon did not responded for wealth or power, but for wisdom to guide God's people. So being wealthy is really not bad, as God himself gives wealth. What is bad is the love of money, but that can be anything a person will put in front of God. If you love money, or anything else, over God, there is the issue.
I did not voted for Trump, yes I know he lies, but who doesn't, but he has exposed the corruption in our government in a very clever way. Is like watching Road Runner (Trump) and Wildie Coyote (corrupt politicians).
Now if Trump does what Javier Milei did in Argentina, I will so love Trump. But chances are that he is not going to clean the swamp. I hope I am wrong.
But, use caution when you try using scripture content to demonize someone just because you do not like them.