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AArchibald (280214)
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Make Smallpox Great Again! in politics
0 ups, 2w
You conservatives have a massive cowardly streak that prevents you from even looking at the truth.

Here, learn something.

Master Compendium Of Trump's Mendacity: Malignant Messiah Lies More Easily Than He Metabolizes. (Or... You Know He's Lying Because His Lips Are Moving.)
Make Smallpox Great Again! in politics
0 ups, 2w
I don't remember any Trumpistas saying "Leave Roe v. Wade in place. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one."
Trump Is The Most Gifted Criminal Genius In The History Of The World - A Houdini Who Makes Personal Responsibility Disappear in politics
0 ups, 2w
Are you aware that the Republican Party used to be called The Party of Personal Responsibility?

Now, it's a rat's nest of felons.
Trump Is The Most Gifted Criminal Genius In The History Of The World - A Houdini Who Makes Personal Responsibility Disappear in politics
0 ups, 2w
The miniscule decline this past month is attributable to Biden's downward inflation momentum.

Tariffs will push inflation back up again.

Here's the bigger picture.

Even Trump's people are sweating bullets.

Wanna bet?