Ah, this’ll be fun. The government was never NOT bought, the 70s were when it started to get far worse, especially thanks to Reaganomics and neoliberal policies of that time period. Historically, the more Keynesian policies have had a higher rate of prosperity, and markets themselves are built with control in their very nature. Markets are upheld by the iron fist of the state, and as such, a non-controlled market is literally impossible, and massively lacking in beneficial outcomes when left completely unregulated.
What you’re asking for is limited levels of control, which usually ends up with the continuation of the status quo, allowing the corporate sector to keep its massive exploitation campaigns going. Your personal life will backslide no matter how much the market is unregulated, because at no point has that led to a higher standard of living without government regulation and control. The government was the force by which workers rights were secured, and the only real catalyst for maintaining unionization rights, although very grudgingly in that regard. We can control the government, which functions off of a much more robust system of individual assistance than a company, as a company almost never allows the individual the ability to choose what happens, nor affect the policies of the company.
The government is the tool, and someone is always using it. In a system where capital power is stronger than the government, and undermanaged, the government will be the tool of capital and the upper class. That’s empirically true today, we all know it, and we all see it. The separation of the two does nothing because the individual’s lifestyle will always backslide, not to mention that government will still regardless make decisions that work in the interest of the upper class, as it’s systemically built to be, so no matter what barriers you put up, it’ll fail.