I gave it five minutes, then I skipped forward, the condescending spokesperson is not an effective way to get people to listen to one's perspective. The nature vs nurture debate is to long for memes and probably youtube.
There seem to be two main sides, one wants to force acceptance and the other to deny it.
I don't live in an area with many members of the trans community, the few I have interacted with seem to be over the top attention seekers. I have never seen anyone abuse, threaten or hurt them, they seem to work in town and rarely leave. Keep in mind in this area you are measured more by what you can build, do, repair or help with, any promises you make, are best kept. No one I know would date a trans, we just do not see them as our people.
Somewhere there is a place for everyone, humans are pack animals, I tend to agree with the stay in your own pack mentality, it stops a lot of problems. Maybe over time a tractor driving, animal raising, hunting, fishing trans woman will enter our world and find a straight man that would accept her as a woman, it doesn't seem likely though.