I recently came back from the zoo, and I noticed that this isn't happening with birds. There's more insistent renaming of animals named after white people in the scientific community (no doubt due to pressure/invasion from radical leftists). One of our plains zebras is of the Burchell's subspecies (Burchell was an African explorer from the nineteenth century), but the info sheets insistently refer to her as a "common zebra", and today there was a talk about red pandas, and when the keeper brought up the Chinese subspecies, Ailurus fulgens styani (named after Styan), she talked about how people are trying to change its name to Ailurus fulgens refulgens. Because, doncha know, white automatically equals racist (I am black, white, Indian, and Native American). Why do I get the feeling that if, for example, other black people were the ones colonizing and having a nearly worldwide empire, this wouldn't be happening?