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UltraRedNeoConPatriot (43707)
Joined 2023-11-21
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Repent The Deadly Sin Of maga and Vote Blue - Because, Like Cleanliness, TDS is Next To GODLINESS in politics
0 ups, 5mo
lol - you don't have to KNOW a specific zebra to recognize one when you see one. And obviously you don't have to verify "facts" as true to believe in them. That is NOT a virtue.
Repent The Deadly Sin Of maga and Vote Blue - Because, Like Cleanliness, TDS is Next To GODLINESS in politics
0 ups, 5mo
What? No, nothing personal. I've got nothing against antediluvians per se, am just frustrated the fascists have emboldened them to re-litigate the last 200 years of social progress. Seriously.
Repent The Deadly Sin Of maga and Vote Blue - Because, Like Cleanliness, TDS is Next To GODLINESS in politicsTOO
0 ups, 5mo
So... you mean something positive like depicting the opposition as Hitler and questioning their sanity? ....which, I upvoted, btw.

Personally am going to have very few kumbayas for the apathetic sheeple on the right OR the left as long as nazis are marching openly in the streets and authoritarian oligarchs are literally in the process of (and within a hair's breadth of) completing a coup de grace on our representative government.

Posting on here is simply catharsis - and mostly in lieu of shouting at relatives and coworkers while my hands are wrapped around their necks.
Repent The Deadly Sin Of maga and Vote Blue - Because, Like Cleanliness, TDS is Next To GODLINESS in politics
0 ups, 5mo
LOL - the Pleistocene called, they want their Neanderthal back. Your comments are the best argument for abortion I've seen in a while. Bravo.