Why does the left always take to the extremes?. I never said hide them from society or put them in jail. Don't be absurd.
Could you explain what kind of educational value a drag queen brings to a school? If it is just based on the fact that they are reading to students then why drag queens? Anyone who knows how to read can read to students.
Why not bring a Pastor or a Priest into public schools to read? Do you have a problem with that? I will bet serious money you are screaming YES at me right now. I'll bet you have a huge problem with that.
However, It is not a violation of the separation of Church and State in the since that Thomas Jefferson meant it when he coined that phrase. It is not how Justice Black interpreted that phrase in the Supreme Court's 1947 Iverson v The Board of Education ruling that was immediately grabbed by the left and turned completely around, because they were not happy with the ruling. A Minister, Bishop, Pastor, Elder, Priest, Missionary, Preacher, Rabbi, or any other religious leader has the right to read to students in a public school under the Constitution.
In fact the Bible used to be taught in public schools up until the 1940's.
So why specifically drag queens? What is their purpose in public education? Are they there to teach students how to dress like men who are lampooning how woman dress through extreme exaggeration? How is that going to help students in their later lives?
Is there ANY reason why drag queens must twerk in the faces of small children? How does that help these children with anything.
And like I said, neither the government, YOU, the schools or anyone else is responsible for what those children learn. It is 100% the parents responsibility. There was a time when public education honored that idea and promised to only teach what will prepare them for the world. That concept has been thrown out the window years ago.
Exposing kids to drag queen is not education. Most of them will never knowingly meet a drag queen. I've never knowingly met a drag queen and I've been around for a long time and have lived in a lot of different places in this country. I grew up in the Los Angeles area and I still never knowingly ever met a drag queen. I've met gay people but gay does not mean drag queen.
Can you tell me one good reason why a drag queen, and only a drag queen, must read to kids in school? Why must they twerk in front of kids faces? How does that help with English, science or math?