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Biden is just another corrupt politician who has been gaming the system since day one. Let's see his tax records.

Biden is just another corrupt politician who has been gaming the system since day one.  Let's see his tax records. | RIDDLE ME THIS BATMAN. JOE BIDEN HAS NEVER WORKED OUTSIDE OF POLITICS.
HOW DID HE BECOME RICH? | image tagged in a poor politician who become rich is corrupt,biden crime family,biden should be in prison | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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12 ups, 11mo,
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____ | image tagged in political meme | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
3 ups, 11mo
I love that meme.
8 ups, 11mo
The Best Trump | TAX RECORDS ARE ONLY FOR THE PROSECUTION JOE BIDEN IS ABOVE THE LAW | image tagged in the best trump | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
7 ups, 11mo,
2 replies
If the guy working at mcdonalds for $10 an hour had 800k in his bank and swore it just came from his paychecks, I'd be 100% sure he was lying
I dont know why this doesn't apply to politicians.

By any angle, most of these people should be living paycheck-to-paycheck given where they live and the lifestyles they have.
3 ups, 11mo
It’s possible. The worker would only need to work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year, with no vacation and without paying ANY taxes, for a mere 38.5 years to save that amount.
1 up, 11mo
Biden's pay

VP was only $225,000.

Senate only $155,000.
1 up, 11mo,
1 reply
Through politics.
3 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
That does not pay enough.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
Maybe, maybe not, I'm not exactly a know it all when it comes to politics.
0 ups, 10mo
Neither am I
2 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
Really? How does he account for all of that money coming in from China, Ukraine and Russia?
0 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
Yes, really.

If he is getting illegal money from China etc, I'm sure the impeachment or indictment (after he is president) will find out.
1 up, 11mo,
1 reply
Really??? Democrats never pay for their crimes. Never. Oh they may trot out the occasional low ranking government official from time to time as a scapegoat but the big guys never, never, never go to jail.

Republicans, on the other hand, don't even have to commit a crime and they go to jail. Look at how the left is manipulating the legal system to try to end Trump's presidential campaign. They'll just keep rolling out indictments after indictments in a desperate hope they can make something stick.
0 ups, 11mo,
2 replies
I could just as easily say look at how the right was trying to manipulate the legal system to keep trump IN office. His own judges wouldn't even sign off on the horse sh*t "evidence". Rudy Ghouliani is now not even disputing that he was lying about election workers in Georgia. So ya when the "crimes" are bullsh*t to begin with, it's not exactly a surprise the people aren't going to jail.

I'm not a lawyer or anything.... but I'm pretty sure calling a government official and telling them to "find" a specific number of votes for you and play it off as a "recalculation" IS a crime. As is trying to install fake electors.

If Biden was caught doing either of those, I'm not sure he would even make it to trial.
1 up, 11mo,
1 reply
Nope. That was proved wrong. He said you can stop when you find this many.
0 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
1. "Proved wrong"?

2. Him allegedly saying you can stop [finding votes] after you find this many changes nothing.
0 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
It completely changes it. He asked him to look for fake votes, after finding X number he can stop because that's all they needed.
0 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
Nope.. "Find me 11,000 votes" and "find me 11,000 votes and then stop"
is a distinction without a difference.

And regardless of what you think about that^, both would show that he was not actually about every vote counting or voter integrity or anything like that.

Because he did not say "find any fraudulent votes and make sure everything is accurate and legit". He just kept saying "find" the exact amount of votes he needed to WIN.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
Nope. He was talking about legit votes that the dems stole.
0 ups, 10mo
It doesn't seem like a genuine concern for an honest election to me. Seems like he only cares about "finding" enough votes to win.

We'll see what the courts decide though.
1 up, 11mo,
1 reply
You're making the assumption that Trump is actually guilty of something. It may be hard for anyone on the left to see this because of the level of hatred the left has towards Trump. However, none of these indictments have any teeth because they do not have any real evidence of crime. Trump is being persecuted, not prosecuted and it is because there is no way possible for Biden to even come close to getting the number of votes need to beat Trump.

If Trump loses against Biden in 2024 then the ONLY way that could ever happen is with massive voter fraud. Much, much, much more massive than 2020. NO ONE like Biden. We hate paying 20%, 30%, 50% and sometimes 70% more for stuff and this inflation is directly traceable to Joe Biden, the Federal Reserve and the World Economic Forum. No one wants any more of that.

Everyone can clearly see that Biden's mental capacity is so diminished that he is unfit for office.

In addition one of the indictments that Trump has against him, Joe Biden did exactly the same thing. Both had taken classified documents from the National Archives. The difference is that Trump did while he was president and that is his right as president. Biden did his removal of classified documents while he was a senator and when he was vice president and never had the right to remove those documents. And especially store some of them in a garage in the house he was renting out to Hunter.

Yet Trump gets the indictment and Biden skates.

Asking someone in Georgia to get you more votes is NOT a crime. The crime would have been if that guy actually did give Trump more votes. Then both would be guilty of a crime. So if you are holding that over Trump as if it is a serious crime you're wasting your time. There's no law against asking someone to commit a crime. There is no law against telling people you are going to commit a crime. There are only laws against actually committing the crime.

Well... That was true in the America I grew up in but not anymore. The FBI kicked in the door of an elderly man in Utah who had made disparaging and threatening comments on social media about Biden, Newsom and other Democrats. The FBI shot and killed the man even though the man was an invalid and incapable of ever doing anything. What spurred this raid is Biden was in Utah that week. The man did have a gun in his hand but so would most normal people if they heard their door get kicked in at 6:00 AM. Biden's Gestapo was hard at work squashing dissent
0 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
I only assume Trump is guilty of the Georgia thing because he's on tape. Otherwise I think that is false. Or where are you saying I assumed he was guilty ?I'm also not "demanding he go to jail" as some others here seem to think...

Investigate. If anything is there, press charges. If found guilty, sentence him. Same as Hunter Biden.

Source on how "inflation is directly traceable to Joe Biden"? Dude in the FED is trump's guy. WEF idk... Personally I think trump is lucky he lost the election because he was then able to hand the 2020 COVID turd to Joe Biden and blame him for what followed in the aftermath.... Similar to the Afghanistan exit.

His speeches aren't great and he's old as dirt but so the same could be said about trump.

As far as the documents and Joe Biden, Investigate. If anything is there, press charges. If found guilty, sentence him.

And your anger over Biden "skating" seems to be a little premature..... They won't indict a sitting president. So similar to trump, they will have to wait till he's out of office to indict him if there's anything there as far as the documents.

"There are only laws against actually committing the crime." I am no lawyer but I'm pretty sure that is false. Conspiracy does not require the crime to have taken place. Nor does an attempt of murder. There might be others.

"The man did have a gun in his hand but so would most normal people if they heard their door get kicked in at 6:00 AM".
Sounds similar to the Breonna Taylor shooting a few years ago....minus the making threats to the government part.
1 up, 11mo,
1 reply
Perhaps not you personally. But the entire Democrat party is acting under the assumption that Trump is guilty of something. So they are indicting first and then trying to find a crime second.

Like I said, asking someone to commit a crime is NOT a crime. The person refused Trumps request. End of story. Trying to make something out of it is ridiculous. This is persecution, not prosecution.

What it right for Trump to ask for votes? NO!!! Was it right for Biden to become president over massive voter fraud? NO!!!!!

Voter fraud is a serious charge. One that Biden and those behind his "extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization" (what Biden bragged about during his campaign) should pay the full penalty of the law.

So Biden commits the crime and Trump gets indicted for it. Trump didn't commit voter fraud.

Trump had a legal right to have classified documents at Mar-A-Lago, Biden had no right to have classified documents in Hunter's garage.

I don't think Trump is a good guy. I've never liked him... well I've never met him either. But as a public figure before he ran for office I thought he was a sleaze bag. When he ran for president I thought he was a joke. I hated how he lied up one side and down the other about Ted Cruz during the election. And what bothered me even more than that is most of the Republicans believed those lies. I thought his presidency was mediocre. He did some good things and he did some bad things. But of the bad things NONE of them where was the Dims were saying about him. The Dims lied just as bad, if not worse than Trump did about Ted Cruz. None of the accusations from the left were legitimate. But if you repeat a lie enough (like on the mainstream media every day, day after day) people begin to believe it.

I seriously hate being put into the position of defending Trump from the lies of the left. I am only interested in the truth and the truth of the matter is nothing the Dims have ever said about Trump was true. It was all lies. It continues to be lies.

None of the indictments are based on actual crimes. They are a political weapon the Dims are using against Trump because absolutely no one like Biden and they don't have anyone to run in Biden's place. There is talk about Gavin Newsom but out of the disaster he has made of California how could anyone vote for Newsom? Newsom has destroyed California. The Dims are running scared because Trump will beat Biden in a bigger landslide than he did in 2020.
0 ups, 11mo,
2 replies
Nobody is looking for crimes to accuse him of after getting the indictments. Because the specific crimes he's charged with are already laid out in the indictments.

Asking him to "find" votes was only one part of what could be seen as conspiracy with numerous people and methods to try and keep himself in power imo but I guess we'll see how that all plays out in court.

Biden "stealing the election" did not play out in court. It went nowhere. What you're doing is like me still claiming Putin got trump elected and blackmailed him into being his b*tch for 4 years of presidency with a pee tape.

"extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization"
Lol sure.. and the Bureau of ATF is an organization that illegally brews alcohol, grows tobacco, and deals firearms. πŸ™„

Not sure what rights trump had or did not have about the documents but his lawyer apparently signed something claiming there were no more documents on the premises... The FBI raid proved that was a lie. But again.. we'll see what the courts say about it.
0 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
"Well the courts etc apparently disagreed as far as voter fraud for the most part. Basically... lack of evidence."

I am so tired of that lame excuse. The vast majority of those courts never brought the case to trial. But the biggest problem is that there was an avalanche of evidence that didn't show up until AFTER those cases were closed. And avalanche! A lot of that has been posted on ImgFlip, some by me but a whole lot by others.

But you just keep holding on to that lame excuse.

A conspiracy that does not commit a crime is still NOT a crime. Trying to make a conspiracy where none exists in a courtroom is a travesty of justice. Welcome to the Banana Republic of America.

"Lol sure.. and the Bureau of ATF is an organization that illegally brews alcohol, grows tobacco, and deals firearms"

Why do they exist?
Brewing and selling alcohol, not a crime.
Growing tobacco and selling tobacco related products, not a crime.
Manufacturing and selling firearms, not a crime

Look. I can understand that most people think Biden's comment was a misunderstanding by a few people. Here's the problem with that. Biden has dementia and he has it bad. He had it during his campaign and you guys still illegally inflicted him on us.

So why would Biden say that? Was he thinking that Trump was going to commit voter fraud? He never said that and neither did anyone else. There was no reason for him to say that to the American public unless he was talking about a massive organization that he knew about that was committed to voter fraud. He just didn't know where he was when he said that. He was installed as a puppet by the World Economic Forum, Blackrock, China, Russia and Ukraine.

Name me any other politician who running for any office for the first time has ever talked about voter fraud? I've never heard it. Perhaps their might have been at least one but I've never heard it. Biden was the only one I have ever heard not just mention voter fraud but said he has a massive organization for voter fraud.

Trump's method of getting votes was never about voter fraud, it was about lying about his opponents. Except he didn't have to lie about Biden, Biden was rotten enough on his own. He lied about Ted Cruz and now he is lying about Ron DeSantis.
0 ups, 11mo
Seemed pretty coherent to me.

Ya that's the thing about court..... They usually don't allow flimsy bullsh*t to proceed.

Meanwhile on the other side of voter fraud cases in court.. Ghouliani lied about the election workers, Fox News shelled out hundreds of millions of dollars over their lies about Dominion voting machines, the pillow guy was ordered to pay millions to someone who disproved his bullsh*t, the recounts went nowhere, the audits went nowhere, Jan 6th went nowhere, and so on....

An "avalanche of evidence" proving Biden stole the election here in the court of memes don't mean sh*t to a tree.... It has to be proven in court.

As far as conspiracy, again.. I'll wait for the courts to decide if there is evidence proving he committed a crime.

False.. brewing alcohol (without a license) is a crime. Or at least the hard sh*t. Beer and wine maybe not.. 26 United States Code (U.S.C.) 5042(a)(2) and 5053(e)..

Basically my point is that the point of the bureau is not FOR alcohol, tobacco and firearms.... It is not PRODUCING those things. Just like Biden's organization did not produce voter fraud. You're assuming he's guilty until proven innocent. Bro literally said the phone number of their top secret voter fraud organization. πŸ˜‚
0 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
The irony is that one of his indictments is for election fraud when he is the biggest victim of election fraud in US history.

What he did in the end of his presidency was ethically wrong. He should have just threw in the towel and gone home. He shouldn't have tried all of these last ditch efforts to fight the fraud that was perpetrated against him.

ALL of these indictments are politically motivated. If Trump said he was not going to ever run again, there wouldn't be a single indictment against him right now. You can argue that they have actual charges but what I am saying is the truth. They are acting as if they have a criminal as long as they can find a crime to charge him with. Guilty until proven innocent.

I don't believe any of these current indictments have enough evidence to convict him of anything. I think they are grasping for straws because if Trump get re-election I am 100% he is going to shut down this election corruption machine the left has built as much as he can (which isn't much). Unfortunately he'll probably do this through Executive Orders because he used them just like Obama and Biden used them, to unconstitutionally create legislation. That is one of the things I didn't like about Trump. Obama opened this dictatorial door and Trump should have closed it and sealed it shut. The president is NOT a dictator. The president cannot make law. It is in direct violation of their constitutional authority.

Just like the Supreme Court cannot make law but we've have liberal activist justices on the Supreme Court for decades churning out unconstitutional laws, abortion being one of them.

Only Congress has the right to make law. The reason is because the House "represents" the will of the people in their district and the Senate "represents" the voice of the states the are elected in.

All laws are to be written by the voice of the people and the voice of the people is NOT represented by the Executive or the Judicial branches of the government.

But that is a different topic.
0 ups, 11mo
Well the courts etc apparently disagreed as far as voter fraud for the most part. Basically... lack of evidence.

As far as I know there is also no evidence this was politically motivated against trump. I'm sure you think it's obvious. But the timing would be questionable except... it's not possible while trump was still president because apparently the feds policy is not to indict a sitting president... so they had to wait. They could've tried to impeach him again on the way out but it would've had to be incredibly rushed. Also.. unlike trump, Biden never ranted about appointing a special prosecutor to go after trump if elected.... That is the irony to me. If Trump does somehow manage to get elected again, it would be impossible to indict Biden (for legit reasons or not) and not appear blatantly partisan...... because Trump literally stated he would go after him.

Saying "IF trump had said he wasn't going to run, there wouldn't be any indictments.." is speculation.

If Trump is "guilty until proven innocent"... I mean... Dude's been arrested 3 times... but he is not in jail awaiting any of the trials. I would tend to think if he was guilty until proven innocent , he'd be in jail. Idk.

I don't know if he will/would be shutting anything down as far as corruption if he wins again. He ran on getting dirty $$ out of politics, filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs, and would not divest from his businesses.... Idk. I guess this is speculation as well anyway.
7 ups, 11mo,
3 replies
You do realize that a vice president salary is not enough to make him anywhere close to as rich as he is.

Well I did forget that he earn extra income from China, Ukraine and Russia while vice president. He's still on their payroll. He has sworn fealty to the WEF's great reset plan.

He does not work for the American people, he does not work to protect the rights enumerated in the Constitution. He does not work to promote life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.

He works to do what China, Ukraine and Russia want him to do. He works to destroy the US dollar and the US economy so that his overlords can bring about the great reset and global fascism.

What the left is blind to, and what Reagan said, is that if fascism takes control of the United States it would be through the Democrat Party. The left still thinks that fascism is on the extreme right. It's to the right of socialism but it's still on the extreme left. The extreme right is no government at all, anarchy. Conservatives are not on the extreme right and never have been, just ask the Libertarians and the anarcho-capitalists.

John Kerry assured Klaus "Adolf Hitler" Schwab that Biden is 100% committed to the great reset.
4 ups, 11mo
Critical thinking is hard for snowflakes
1 up, 11mo,
1 reply
0 ups, 11mo,
1 reply
Biden's pay

VP was only $225,000. (x 8) = $900,000

Senate only $155,000. (x36) = $5,580,000.

Provided he spent zero dollars ($0) on food, clothing, mortgage payments, fuel, car payments, auto insurance, home owners insurance, gifts, charitable donations, paper towels, toilet paper, personal hygiene products, utility bills, cell phone service, vacationing, hobbies.....

Average middle class people making similar money reportedly aren't faring well enough to maintain a minimum standard of living much less an 8,000+ sq ft house in an upscale neighborhood and a beach house, neither of which are cheap.
1 up, 11mo,
1 reply
Considering what a corrupt piece of crap Biden is, that is $6,480,000 that he stole from the American tax payers. Biden is the type of person you just do not want in politics. He has no morals, he is a toxic narcissist and he a moron. Then he got old and became senile.

Apparently that is the right kind of political candidate for Democrats. They like them evil and stupid. But they will take one or the other. Like how evil Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are how stupid John Fetterman and Diane Feinstein are. In Feinstein's defense first she was evil and then she had a stroke and became stupid.
1 up, 11mo,
1 reply
πŸ˜„ tell us how you really feel

I hear what you are saying.

My point is he would need to lead a miser's lifestyle to have all he got, put kids through ivy league school (the bribes alone to get those less than mensa IQs admitted would have taken a considerable amount), and still have large cash reserves.

He's compromised and dirty.
1 up, 11mo
LOL Yeah, I'm not too fond of the low life, scumbag, douche bag, moronic, demented, criminal in the White House.
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