Sure, I take swings at people. Of course, as you have well learned at this point, there's nothing cheap about my shots; swings I take are about punching a MFer right in the hypocrisy, lies, bullshit, stupidity, deflection, whataboutism, projection, transferrance, etc. with reality and fact and/or treating jerks, a-holes to a taste of their own behavior. If you wind up on the receiving end, that's on you, innit? Obviously, there's an easy way to avoid it: don't do/be those things. Which raises a rather significant question: if those guidelines govern the direction of my strikes, why do you keep getting hit?
On an aside, I see you're strategically avoiding address of the above question concerning your claim of "false scientific reports for pay"... Funny thing, that... especially considering how such avoidance feeds back in light of the definiton of "cheap shot"...
You're against people spreading lies and false information aren't you, CH? You also know that one of the reasons I turn off comments is to prevent such spread. And yet you take exception to my turning off comments... bit of a conflict there, don't ya think?
One last thing: as you should have realized by now, my political posts are only egregious and/or offensive to people who can't handle others critically examining their beliefs, having lies spotlighted, facts that conflict with their imaginary world-construct. If that includes yourself, perhaps you should look inward for a target of blame rather than trying to scapegoat someone whose only crime against you is that they pulled back the curtain.
Oh... wait... actually, there is one more thing: I thought people who're into conspiracy theory-type nonsense are all about having the curtain pulled back. Is that not the case? I mean... I keep showing you reality and, so far, you keep running away... It's kinda weird...