Yeah it is kind of dumb but you folks aren't any better, you have the comments on but when someone asks for a source you almost never give a source, and when someone gives a source disproving you, you just say something along th elines of "that source is biased, it is misinformation put out there by the illuminati". Telling people to look for a source supporting your argument just amkes you loo like you know what you're saying is completely wrong, and saying that a source is biased as an end all be all for an argument is quite literally just covering your ears and going "LALALALALALALALALA".
And that isn't even mentioning that a lot of you folks are in streams such as Real_Politics and conservative which are streams only for conservatives, which makes it so that people can't counter your arguments. Which is quite similar to disabling comments.
But it makes it insanely funny when these people complain about people on the other disabling comments.