I generally don't submit memes I find on the web, I try to only submit my own original stuff. I agree tho, Patriotpost has some of the funniest stuff- hysterical 🤣
I wish I could be that original. I run 21 sites most with humorous memes, to promote my band. Though I should have put it in reposts, here's what I did yours with the caption: "These guys really know hot to party!"
Texas is such a great place, put Austin is a Sh*thole. It's the influx of progressives. They must be stopped. Higher Learning my a$$. These lowlifes are spreading manure on the minds of the young!
Climate does change, the Sun and position of the Earth's poles, the strength of our electromagnetic fields. CO2 is too low right now, at around 400ppm, it needs to be closer to 1000-2000 for life to thrive on Earth.
Hemp doesn't get you high. Dork. Plus do you see all of the alcohol bottles in that photo? Clearly drunk. Hemp building materials doesn't get someone high by walking into a house made of hemp-wood, hemp-flooring, hemp-plastic windows, etc.