"you just dont let kids read the history books"
Where do you come up with this made up crap? Looks like somebody has been letting MSLSD tell them what to think again...
"and do you want statues that glorify the racist past and the horrible treatment of their fellow man they exploited or tried to wipe off the face of the planet with their attempted genocide? Not too many hitler statues in Germany, they get it."
Okay, there it is. nothing screams unhinged TDS like a good ol' rant, hey? And when you can work racism into it, all the better, right? And why not, you've got nothing to go on, so go back to the old tried and true for those who don't have facts on their side.
"You may not give a shit about americas racist past, hell, you would prolly cheer on a second round,"
Sounds to me like you're referring to the democrat party and their shyness over their own party being the party of slavery, PLUS the fact that they pander to Black folks, but only every four years.
"you cant tell them to just get over it, move on or how they should feel about it"
No, but you and the democrat party sure seem to think they can tell folks how to feel about it. You guys really need to stop and listen to some of the crap you say. I mean really listen to it.
"now thats gotta suck, being owned,"
You think? (wow, you're deep!)