When I became a furry: the SFW art, fun atmosphere, imagination, creating characters and worlds, all of which helped me as I was trying to improve my skills as a writer.
When I turned my back on the fandom: a story that I've told many times, but in summary, all the bad ones that tarnished their reputation and corrupted the fandom, and several of them (inlcuding my only friends at the time) pretty much turned on me during a time I was both depressed and also grieving because I was straight and also called out peoples' bad behaviors and double standards. I was always anti-violence and anti-hate, so I didn't like it coming from either side.
I tried overcoming my emotions and went back under a new identity where I not only found a couple people that started the drama with me, but also learned that of the remnants of the fandom, many were still being chased out for political reasons. They stopped being a fandom and wanted more to be an activist-type "community." I would later find out that a LOT of "normal" furries were forced out (I am blessed to have met some and regularly talk to them), and even OG furries left the fandom because of the corruption and change, among other reasons...
Like them, I'm not "anti-furry," but we don't approve of what became of the fandom and wish we could go back to the fandom from over a decade ago.