"Oh yeah, and in regards to "His Word," would that be the real Bible or the one you guys took 7 books out of because they didn't fit your narrative?"
You need to do better research. Those "seven books" were not accepted as canon until AFTER Luther did his thing.
As for being Protestant, I am not. As with the Catholic "church", the Protestant organizations are all effectively apostate.
If you pray to Mary for access to God, you are worshiping her, regardless of how you define it. The Bible states clearly that there is ONE intercessor between God and man, Jesus Christ.
There is so much bad doctrine in Catholicism, one hardly knows where to begin:
*Mary was not sinless, nor was she a perpetual virgin. She had sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus was born.
*The Bible instructs us to call no man on Earth, "Father", in the spiritual sense, for we have one Father, Who is in Heaven.
*Jesus died once for all, yet the blasphemous Eucharist claims to sacrifice Him over and over again.
*Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, and not by works, lest any man boast. Yet you are given many works, including paying off God, in order to achieve Heaven for yourselves.
*Purgatory does not exist anywhere in the Bible, including the heretical Apocrypha. Rome itself has since backed away from this horrendous teaching. You get no second chance to get this right before you die.
*YOU may not worship Mary, but your popes do.
I have yet to meet a Catholic who fully understands all that Rome teaches. Many turn to the occult, the New Age, and their own imaginations to find some fulfillment that they know that have not found in Catholicism. My mother was the oldest of 9 children, all raised in the Catholic "church", and all sent to Catholic school. As with many Catholics, they are incredibly unfaithful in their "church" attendance, and wholly unaware of what it means to live a holy life.