I believe that racism is extremely hyped. I think what blacks consider racists, other races don't pay any attention to when it happens to them. The left has been cultivating a myth and repeating it non-stop to blacks so much so that many black (but not all) count bad fortune as racism.
Despite liberal misinformation, the reason why there are more blacks per capita in prison is specifically because of liberal indoctrination. When you are told over and over and over again that the whole world or the entire white race is out to get you and to keep you poor, then you feel like there is no hope and the only thing left is crime. The only ones who have actually perfected keeping blacks poor are Democrats. Dems need them poor to maintain the myth. The myth that the only ones looking out for blacks are the Dems. That is complete and utter caca.
The fact is that Dems have always hated blacks from the beginning of the party. LBJ came to the realization that he could manipulate the poor (who were mostly black at that time but not anymore) into believe that the Dems are here to help.
Because the right has mostly taken a hand off policy the left began to spread the lie that the right are all racists.
The fact is blacks are just as capable at overcoming adversity as anyone else. A whole lot of blacks have figured that out and have dumped the left. Those are the ones the left pushes back on by calling them names or ignoring that they even exist.
Even though the left has killed most opportunities to succeed, through horrible economic policies, it is still possible to make a better life for yourself. No one is going to keep anyone down. No one is fighting to "put blacks in their place". No one wants to bring back slavery (except for the Marxists but it is a different kind of slavery).
The right needs to take a much, much, much more active role in reversing the left's indoctrination. We simply cannot afford to continue the hands off policy. We need to inform everyone who feels disenfranchised who are the real disenfranchisers are. It is the ones who have been manipulating the disenfranchised (regardless of race) by lying to them.
Asians immigrated to America and some of them ended up in situations that were not that different from slavery. They never let that keep them back. The left has had such a hard time trying to herd them into their collectives that they are starting to throw them in with those evil, racist, white people.