"Dump unlimited Co2 into the atmosphere? You get climate change."
1. Mankind cannot dump an unlimited amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. Perhaps we can dump a lot, but not unlimited. Nice strawman.
2. CO2 does not simply continue to accumulate unchecked. CO2 is plant food; the more food plants get, the more plants there are, which in turn pulls more CO2 out of the atmosphere. As it turns out, plants are food for many other living organisms, which in turn results in more CO2 being produced, which causes more plants to grow, ad infinitum. It is almost as if this system was designed to work this way.
3. Allegedly, CO2 was as high as 3,000 to 9,000ppm, whereas today it sits around 420ppm, and yet here we are, whining about an infinitesimal amount, relatively speaking.