"Even when Trump’s DOJ got the info, they did nada."
Back then, I was of the mindset to just let it go, because harassing someone like HRC does the country no good. It only divides us, as is the situation now with Trump. I hope they cuff him and parade him in front of the media, because doing that will do nothing more than fuel his narrative that he's the only candidate that drain the swamp, and protect the average American from the swamp. The left just can't get out of its own way when it comes to Trump, and that includes a local DA who seems to want to charge Trump with a federal election crime. I'm not sure how that works out from a jurisdictional standpoint, but we may find out pretty soon.
I was also against what the republicans did to HRC's husband while he was president, as it smacked of nothing more than political hackery and really had nothing to do with his performance as president. I suppose what the left is doing to Trump now is payback for that. Unfortunately, neither side will stop there.
I would say that my fellow citizens on the left learned nothing of what I learned from those situations, and in fact, learned the wrong lesson entirely.
And no, I don't assume you're a liberal. I'm not sure why you think that you do. If I slipped up and called you a liberal, that's my mistake. I hope you don't assume I'm a conservative. I'd be a Libertarian if they were sensible on foreign policy, and weren't an utter joke as a political party. That being said, I will also quote Penn Jilette: "You have to be careful as a libertarian because you can sound very Republican." The same should go for those who aren't liberals, imo.