One MAGAt killed his wife, daughter and dog, another drove his 2 kids down to Mexico to kill them with a spear gun because of QAnon. A woman donated over $400,000 - her entire savings and house - to the effort, and completely cut ties with her family.
Question: In the entirety of your life and all that came before you, have you ever heard of anybody killing anyone at all ever because of anybody in the WH, let alone an aged senile low IQ cringey clown of a charlatan? I don't mean in wars or Reagan dummy policies or Kent State, I mean citizens killing other citizens because of a walking pile of orange shit stained fhuckbag that even his own father thought was a terminal loser? Like, ever ever, Twilight Zone and Bugs Bunny included? EVER?
Granted, Trump and QAnon appeal to a certain 'demographic,' but come on, are these people really THAT stupid? Is that even mathematically & biologically possible? Who in fhucker's hell would kill their own FAMILY over a 4Chan prank just because they thought the way some incapacitated moron said on tv, "You're fired," was really like, totes awesome? Can't they just go on and be the dimwitted loser fascist racist trailer park degenerate pukes they are without killing their own families?