The difference between Ozempic and Ivermectin is that Ozempic not only actually works for it’s alternative use as weight-loss but was approved for FDA use for weight-loss. Ivermectin was never approved to treat nor prevent covid.
Ivermectin is great at treating bacterial inventions but it’s ability to treat viral infections, such as Covid, have come up short.
You said it isn’t a question of safety but efficacy. But that question of efficacy is exactly the problem. Ivermectin, if it was useful in regards to covid, is not a preventative treatment but a treatment in severe late stage covid. You would’ve already had covid if you’re going to use it as it can relieve inflammation in respiratory system. Most people were taking it as a preventative treatment, which it did not work as. And recent studies have shown even when Ivermectin was used correctly for the correct reasons, it’s efficacy was still questionable to none.
The vaccines efficacy was called into question as a great number of people still tested positive to covid after taking the vaccines. This should’ve been expected as it’s an mRNA vaccine rather than an antiviral vaccine using a benign strain. However, though the mRNA vaccines did not fool the virus, it still beefed up the immune systems among those vaccinated, twice so if they’d been exposed to the virus beforehand. The difference however was that we started seeing less fatalities. Either because the variants were less fatal or the vaccine had kept the more serious symptoms at bay so that the more susceptible could ride them out.
The data appears to support the latter.
The problem remains that there are a significant portion of people who were never vaccinated, or did not follow through on vaccinations and while in recent months, the vaccinated have finally become the majority covid deaths. Before you start celebrating, that means the pool of unvaccinated has significantly shrunk by covid deaths. The overall count of covid deaths has significantly fallen. This is the first winter where weekly deaths in the US haven’t exceeded 5,000.
Still a high number but the record was close to 20,000 weekly. That was in 2020.