Hi Modda, as I had said before when replying to Octavia, I have yet to say that there are no angry and hateful Republicans/Conservatives, as which there most definitely are. As there are a surplus of angry and hateful Democrats/Liberals. By saying that those who lean to the right wing of politics are only "steeped in anger and nothing but", is truly ironic in itself by ignoring your own political party's anger and hate that it steeps in. It is also stereotyping all conservatives into one group, as most Liberals do without a second thought. When any Liberal hears the word "Conservative" they immediately think of angry men and women waving Confederate flags while worshiping the bad orange man himself. That would be stereotyping, and it is a pitifully inaccurate stereotype at that.
It is also quite ironic how you said that "The Right Wing as a whole is reactionary and thus tends to be a tad bit on the perpetually irritated side." I would have to say the same about the left wing. Anytime there is a view or opinion that they don't like, they try their best to attack the arguments of their conservative foes. Exhibit A: this meme. Also, as well as right leaning platforms, left leaning platforms are almost always anti-something, as that is what platforms usually do. They fight against or for certain topics according to their views or opinions about politics, again, as they usually do.
Once again, having an opinion (emphasis on opinion) is not attacking anyone. As shown in the meme, that is my opinion, and you don't have to like it or agree with it. As for defending my statements and discussing "ire", as you would put it, I believe I have completed that task successfully and thoroughly. I believe you are completely false in using the phrase "ad hominems" here to describe my arguments, as I have attacked no one's character or motive. I have only shared my personal opinions on the matters at hand. But I do think the phrase is excellent in describing your post and "arguments" about my opinions.
Despite your rather impressive vocabulary, you have failed in making a successful or solid argument. You only went after my own opinions, as shown in the meme, because you did not like my opinions. That is completely fine, and I would love to hear your arguments about political topics, but it is not an argument to become hostile towards someone with a different opinion from you. Please try again or take your attempts of slandering others elsewhere.