They did. After several relatives of top US Officials, including the Current President and former Speaker of the House, intentionally attempted to manipulate the energy market, to cause a bloodless coup to overthrow Putin. Which is worse, because Russia isn’t just sovereign. It on the UN Security Counsel. We also cut Europe off from its natural gas supply.
There are articles denying the fact that relatives of Biden and Pelosi were manipulating the world energy markets. However, those articles never dent that it happened. Instead, they just end with the relatives are no longer involved with energy companies in the Ukraine.
This is worse than Russia invading Ukraine. If America thinks we can remove Putin, we are at the beginning of WWIII. Because then, no nation is safe. We can take out the government of any nation.
To the rest of the world, that makes us the new Nazi Germany, with abortions and gay flags in place of eagles and schwastika.