Have we? Tmk, the government didn’t order Twitter to do anything specific. They DID tell most social media sites that if they can’t sensor foreign misinformation and propaganda with the intent to interfere with US elections themselves, the government would step in for them under direction of the FCC.
The same office that already censors radio and television has been trying for years, has long desired to do the same with the internet. Most efforts to do so have been lead by strictly conservative actors, usually under the false flag of copyright protections for film and radio corporations. Meanwhile, liberals have ironically actually been reluctant to do so, advocating a free and unregulated internet for the most part. The 2016 election put that to the test. And while I agree their direction concerning misinformation was overreach their threat to regulate them was a bluff but with the FB incident, FB taking foreign money to pay for political advertisements was stupid and was fined, that was enough to motivate them to then crack down on misinformation during Covid and elections following the 2016 one.
Nevertheless, many people and organizations both private and public called for Trump’s ban. And Twitter made it clear to Trump months leading up to the 2020 election that his status as President was the only reason he has yet to be banned. And while the plan was to likely do so after January 20th, Trump’s account ultimately became a liability for victims of January 6.
There isn’t a single ism that exists that hasn’t been responsible for at least one genocide for one reason or another. Marxism is not loathsome for this, but rather it’s radical idea that the poorest people control the direction of a country. And, to a degree, this is true. You let people starve enough, they’ll eventually eat the rich. You know how you stop Marxism? Don’t put corporate or government interests above the people and do not totally dismantle capitalism. Anyone advocating for socialism or a free market are economically ignorant.
There must be some regulation but there must not be total regulation.
Not a single regulation nor under the table payment caused Trump’s ban.
His own idiocy did.
Corporations have a right to protect their interests.
You’re actually arguing against that.
Which is socialism.