Theoretically, in context of it's origin the phrase would be referencing Brandon Brown, Nascar driver. And sure, they do not actually specify any last name in the phrase....... So if taken literally, ok... "cheering on [a] Brandon" is what they would be doing.
But idk... to me that is kinda like trying to claim "Netflix and chill" just means literally "watch movies and hang out"..... the phrase is not literal and more or less everyone already knows that. (maybe excluding boomers and children....idk).
And to tie in the concept of it seeming to lean to one side a little bit more than the other........ I'm sure that the company Netflix (off the record) is pleased with any joke, meme, etc which references "Netflix and Chill".......... Maybe not so much for Redbox though.
And just for fun / to take it even more literally........"Netflix and chill"..... meaning to watch streaming movies on TV with your girlfriend locked in a freezer.
*Dark humor enters the chat*