So there's a lot to unpack, so I'll try to address each point briefly
"the data supporting uniformitarianism is desperately scarce"
The data for uniformitarianism is plentiful. That's why scientists can measure the rate of things like seafloor spreading, the erosion of Niagara Falls, lunar recession, etc
"scientists are still digging for a substantial intermediate link"
We have many intermediate forms across many different types of animals. Reptiles, birds, horses, early mammals, primates, humans, fish, etc etc
"things like fossil graveyards, dynamo vs rapid decay theory, and even the amount of salt in the oceans all seem to support a young earth and a biblical worldview"
It was Christian scientists who first started to realize that wasn't the case
"if you say, "Darwin's finches!" then I'll say adaptation/microevolution, both are accepted terms"
Microevolution is a way for creationists to accept some evolution while denying the rest. It's like saying someone can walk across the street but they can't walk across the country. The mechanism is the same for both.
"there is a large difference between genes being altered in reproduction and genes being added"
Genes have been altered, and they've also been added
"come at me with volcanology..."
The story of Noah's flood doesn't explain vulcanology at all, and many fields of science directly contradict the idea of a global flood less than 5000 years ago.
"if you try homologous structures..."
Except that's an unfalsifiable claim. I could just as easily say it was intelligently designed by magic pixies. How would you prove me wrong?
"the geological column seems to have dinosaurs existing mainly in the jurassic, triassic, and cretaceous periods, so how do we have cave paintings of dinosaurs?"
We don't
"how did humans "evolve" a sense of musical appreciation? of art?"
Not sure
"these are things that evolution would not have given to us"
How did you determine that?
"alright, so I've proven to myself God exists. now, using deductive reasoning, I prove the Bible is true"
None of the things you listed are proof of any god, let alone the specific god of the Bible. You're making a huge leap of logic to get from "intelligent design" to "specifically Yahweh"
"then, I must accept what is within it, even when it comes to the hard stuff"
Assuming for the sake of argument that it could be proven that the Bible is from a god. Who says we have to listen to, obey, or care what that god says?