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George Carlin

95 views 4 upvotes Made by OurAmericanExperience 2 years ago in politics
George Carlin memeCaption this Meme
2 ups, 2y
Good Fellas Hilarious Meme | MY GUESS IT'S BECAUSE THEY SHREDDED THE VOTER REGISTRATIONS, BALLOT CHAIN OF CUSTODY LOGS, BURGLED THE BALLOT STORAGE FACILITY AND LOST ALL  | image tagged in memes,good fellas hilarious | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 2y
2 ups, 2y,
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He did. The courts refused to even look at it. State legislatures did look at it. You can still find their hearings online if you look for them.
1 up, 2y,
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Really? I can find all 60 something court hearing proceedings where even Trump appointed judges LOOKED at the evidence and then tossed it as useless??? Interesting I might actually do that until then Trump can still show up and show the world. Face it he does not have it. And you simply choose to believe him without FACTUAL evidence
1 up, 2y
Nope. None of them looked at the evidence. Many affidavits were presented. That alone is enough to start a lawsuit.
1 up, 2y
And you'll believe anything negative about trump without FACTUAL evidence. Not saying you claimed trump was 'literally hitler' like the true brain dead but you're close. I've never seen anything as unhinged as the trump obsessionists for the last 6 years. How many lies did you swallow from people selling books lol
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As if Democrats care about evidence, facts, and truth.
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As if conservatives care about evidence, facts, and truth
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Not interested in your crying about Democrats I asked about Trump
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"I asked about Trump"

Am I supposed to care what you want? Liberals are worse than useless, they are a plague on society. Most of your parents failed to properly discipline you, so you turned out thinking that you are to get whatever you want.

Sorry about that- not gonna happen.
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"Liberals are worse than useless, they are a plague on society"

Like what Hitler said about the Jews
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Meanwhile hitler was also for killing unwanted babies, imagine that!
1 up, 2y
I didn't say he was literally Hitler, I just pointed out that he said something very similar to what Hitler said about people he didn't like.

Do you think using the same kind of rhetoric as Hitler makes people want to take you seriously?
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LOLOL Says a guy who thinks they have a "right" to cheap gas and other stuff. My parents? My parents were Republicans and so am I

You are a right wing Trumplican who does not like the constitution or facts
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3 replies
The very fact you refer to your parents would seem to indicate that you are a liberal, still living at home with mommy and daddy, but either way, you are no Republican.

As for being a Trumplican, that's hilarious. I held my nose when I first voted for Trump, because it wasn't a vote for him so much as it was a vote against Killary.

And no one hates the Constitution like a lying liberal, especially those of the RINO persuasion.

As for having a "right" to cheap gas- no such right exists, but what DOES exist is a Constitution that limits the interference our Government can assert over our lives. Anyone that supports where this is at today either does not understand this basic fact, or they are traitors to the foundational document of this country.

It is pretty obvious where a poser like yourself stands.
1 up, 2y,
1 reply
You mean his reply to this:

▶️ "Serenity_Now 20h, 1 reply

"I asked about Trump"

Am I supposed to care what you want? Liberals are worse than useless, they are a plague on society. Most of your parents failed to properly discipline you, so you turned out thinking that you are to get whatever you want.

Sorry about that- not gonna happen."

What grade did you post you were in last month?
2 ups, 2y,
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"No, they do not.

Don't like them? Don't call 911 when you need them. Done."

No! Absolutely NOT!


All kidding aside, thank you for being fair-minded when it comes to those who put their lives on the line, even for fools that lie about what they do and how they do it.
0 ups, 2y
But I'm fair minded about everything. Pretty much.

One thing I can never even try nor want to imagine is what it's like to be with the Police.
I appreciate them, I admire them, but I do not envy them - in regards to the risks they take for us, that is, and the things they have to see while doing it. On top of that, the abuse, the disrespect they've had to increasingly deal with.
Even when I'm holding bags of groceries while crossing the street I wave and nod in thanks when I see them driving past. "See a cop, thank a cop" I always say.
0 ups, 2y
"Truck Drivers and everyone else who gets out of bed EVERY day put their lives on the "line" everyday [sic] and provide you with more services than you will EVER need from a cop."

Yes, life can be scary at times, but it ain't the same thing, and how ignorant of you to make such a claim. It would be laughable, were it not shared by criminals everywhere.

"And they do it completly [sic] unarmed and defensless [sic] agianst [sic] weapon yielding [sic] ACTUAL criminals. And criminal cops."

Of course, that is utter nonsense. But go ahead, run to the nearest truck stop and try to rob a truck driver. Most of them are, in fact, armed, and you will likely have an extra hole in your head that you cannot afford to have.

"Call 911 right? Cops are not even "legally obligated" to help you when you do call. And that is a SCOTUS ruled fact just ask ask [sic] all those poor dead kids in Tx"

They aren't legally obligated, and yet many do so anyway. And the Uvalde massacre in Texas does indeed show us what happens when cops are constantly under fire from liberals, politicians, the Media, and fools like yourself. They must second guess every move, and wonder why the hell they should put their lives on the line when they are persecuted for doing their jobs. What happened in Texas is more your fault than that of the cops who ran away from doing their jobs, regardless of what the legal requirements convey.

This is why the liberal left's ignorant anti-cop rants, combined with their constant attempts to end the 2nd Amendment, make them more dangerous than the criminals they love to coddle and enable.

No matter how good a cop is, when you need them the most and seconds count, they will always be minutes away, minutes a person cannot afford when being attacked by a Democrat.

"Cops are not even in the top 10 of dangerous professions. You ignore ALL facts that expose you are wrong."

This is a point without merit. So what, even if it is true based on reasonable definitions?

"I could keep going [sic] but facts are your enemy"

You are hardly the arbiter of what constitutes a fact, otherwise you wouldn't be a liberal. Facts could literally float down from the heavens, land on your head, and you would be none the wiser.

And that's a fact.
1 up, 2y,
3 replies
"The very fact you refer to your parents would seem to indicate that you are a liberal, still living at home with mommy and daddy"

Somebody mentioning their parents means they live with their parents? That's not a logical conclusion to reach.
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1 up, 2y,
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"Somebody mentioning their parents means they live with their parents? That's not a logical conclusion to reach."
1 up, 2y,
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Okay, then please explain how it's logical.

If someone mentions a person, you think that means they currently live with that person. Please explain the logic in that statement.
0 ups, 2y,
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My statement regarding American corrupt law enforcment is not "hasty" it is 54 years of simply watching and listening.

They violate the law and constitution in BIG and small ways nationwide in every department, And right wingers LOVE it
0 ups, 2y
So Trump calling out the problems he saw in the country was more valid than your opinions because he's seen it longer?
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Not to mention, HE was actually the one that brought them up:

▶️ "Serenity_Now 20h, 1 reply

"Most of your parents failed to properly discipline you, so you turned out thinking that you are to get whatever you want."

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1st Yes they in fact do. You simply believe COP-GANDA

2nd If I ever need a cop for an actual emergency IT'S TO LATE. Cops do not protect people from ACTUAL crime.

In order for you to believe what you believe you have to ignore facts you do not like or ever dare to consider such as

1. In order for a cop to LAWFULLY arrest someone a "crime" must have been committed. This means you will have had to be killed, robbed or whatever the case may be. That is not cops protecting you.

2. Bad, unjust and unconstitutional laws exist and "cops" clearly have no problem morally when they are willing to go as far as killing you to impose such bs laws.

3. Cops violate the law and constitution when they harrass, arrest and brutalize people who are simply asserting their "rights" And cops loath people who know their "rights" And even so called "good cops" routinely shield bad cops. "good cops" are a myth like Imaginary sky people

Finally!!! There is nothing more hysterical than right wingers claiming they "back the blue" while defending the Jan 6th rioters and talking about "civil wars"
2 ups, 2y
No, what's hysterical is you pointing fingers while you openly admitting you hate cops. Hypocrisy much?
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As if you never called them for help.

So your attack on police is backed by a picture of those seditious traitors who ATTACKED the police? Yeah, makes sense.
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Me? No I have never called Police for assistance regarding MYSELF.

If my house is on fire I am going to call firmen

If I have a medical issue I am calling a Ambulance.

If My house is robbed? or some other crime? I would hope to be armed and kill the Mother
Guess what no doctor or fireman has ever violated my rights. COPS have and when cops break the law they are criminals.

Nothing sadder than a criminal arresting a criminal

As for actually calling them? That might be required for insurance purposes. Insurers like that stuff.

And your little sad defense of fake patriots who hated cops is funny
0 ups, 2y
1. I have never had to kill someone who has committed a crime against me. I also know that I can not "legally" kill someone for just being in my yard. Many right wingers actually believe they can.

People like you also believe and actually enjoy cops killing unarmed people and brutalizing people for even the most petty offenses.

2. You and everyone like you claim you love freedom and liberty well it's clear you are lying.

Your logic is utterly Anti Constitution and Anti America
0 ups, 2y
Never call the Police for YOURSELF, except for insurance purposes?
And when you shoot those robbers, you just leave the bodies on the front step?

From your highly impulsive emotional posturing, I got a nice dime that says you call the Cops whenever kids ride their bikes on the sidewalk out front. Afterall, it's the ones that complain the most that, well, complain the most.

"And your little sad defense of fake patriots who hated cops is funny"

What does that even mean? Weren't you the one cheering for them? Or was it the Cops you were rooting for?
Cognitive dissonance does not make for the soundest argument.
1 up, 2y,
1 reply
Give me a BREAK LOLOL Right wingers love to rant about the constitution while they prove daily they hate it.

1. ALL Gun "laws are blatantly unconstitutional. EVEN FELONY LAWS!! And right wingers love to cherry pick gun laws.

2. Right wingers LOVE cops who are the true enemy of actual FREEDOM AND LIBERTY. It's a freaking riot you think Democrats politicians are going to take your guns.

COPS are your enemy not people who scibble crap on paper.

3. You can call me names all you like becuase it's all you got.

Btw. A cop can do "good things" sadly they spend most of their time oppressing and even killing Americans over the pettiest shit imaginable. And have the balls to call themselves "heroes"

The odds of a cop being killed in the "line of duty" is about 1 in 250,000

There job is not even in the 10 of dangerous jobs.

And they constantly cry about their safety. There is nothing more pathetic than several cops showing up because someone is using their "rights"
3 ups, 2y,
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So, you not only have Trump Derangement Syndrome, you have a cherry-picked hatred of cops?

You have a lot of issues. Have you considered counseling, or speaking to a psychiatrist about medications that may blunt the crazy?

And, you would only be triggered by the "names" I called you if they are true . . . sorry (not sorry) to have struck a nerve. Your spelling and grammar get seriously twisted when you are triggered- have you considered counting to 100 first to calm down?
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3 ups, 2y,
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I don't know about "brutal", but I suppose the truth often is that. I will never advocate that all cops are heroes- we know they all are not, but the vast majority of them are good, and they put their lives on the line every time they start their shifts.

The anarchist idiots that want to do away with our police force, while simultaneously want to disarm the average American, are too much to tolerate- they are more of a danger to this country than a relatively small number of bad cops are.

And to not understand that it is cops that only enforce what idiot politicians "scribble [] on a piece of paper" is worse than ignorant. Like I said, dangerous.
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All COPS violate the law and constitution. FACT and no amount of crying will change it
2 ups, 2y
You guys tried defunding police and crime went through the roof. FACT and no amount of crying will change that.
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"All COPS violate the law and constitution"

Usually I agree with you, but this is a hasty generalization fallacy. Many cops are bad, many cops are good, many are in between
1 up, 2y
No, they do not.

Don't like them? Don't call 911 when you need them. Done.
1 up, 2y
Oh I hate Trump because he hates the constitution just as much as cops. I have ACTUAL FACTS to prove my views. But they do you and those like you ZERO good because you have been brainwashed your entire life

FACT: Right and left wingers BOTH say the government is corrupt. That is only possible by the corruption of "law enforcement"

Your precious Trump might still be in power today has it not been for "cops" Prove me wrong

FACT: Right wingers are 100% sure the election was "rigged" do you see any cops arresting the criminals who did it? NOPE. Clearly the cops are in on it right?

FACT: Nothing you say will change FACTUAL reality. Call me names hold your breath blah blah blah.. Not going to change what facts are
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Well that's as vague as Trump talking about ANYTHING

This is what it's like listening to Trump talk

Trump: People tell me I'm great and I am blah blah blah.

Ever notice he NEVER says what their names are. If what they say is true he would have no problem saying the names. So they can be asked if they said it.

But he won't and Trump supporters never ask such rational questions. They just blindely follow him
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We've heard the whining for 6 years, 6 years of accusations that go nowhere. Yet they believe every single time lol
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Yes you people have been whinning for 6 years and you still are.

Trump promised you to "drain the swamp" did he? NOPE

What has the Durham Investigation got you ? ZERO

How many Trump people have been convicted? Like 8

We hate both Biden and Trump but you keep believing Trump. lol
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