Nah, he was a liberal Marxist.
Are we going with the logic that anyone who uses a gun now is for Trump or Republicans? I guess it would kind of make sense, given a huge chunk of the DemocRAT side is filled with soyboys, people that don't know their gender, and angry feminists. Though despite how much sense it would make, doesn't mean it is right given the rest of the mentally unhinged members of the Democrat party.
Easier to blame it on Trump, and Republicans, or make it a racial thing and throw in Whites as well.
By the way, taking away guns isn't going to stop anything. Criminals don't care for guns. The government only cares enough to disarm the population to rule over them. For a side that screams and cries about fascism so much, you sure push for gun control and try to get the government to reign over the population. I don't believe you understand how fascism really works seeing that how Democrat group wants to lick them boots all up. Especially when Government starts oppressing you like many other governments have done in World History with the disarmament of their civilians.