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Spudmaster272 (57936)
Joined 2018-06-01
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Depends in politics
0 ups, 10mo
I particularly LOVE the Pictures of Mike Pence, Pinching his nostrils CLOSED, to reduce the STENCH of FAILURE DONNIE's Unchanged adult Diaper! Thats almost as Hilarious was the Video of the Chinese PM, Edging his chair Farther Away from the podium where Peeresident Shitzenpanties, is speaking! Even FAILURE BOI's OWN WHITE HOUSE STAFF, Have ADMITTED that the Fetid Yam, REEKS of feces!
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 11mo
Remember that "RED WAVE" Y'all SWORE was gonna Wash Away the "Ebil Libs" in 2020? AND Again in 2022??? Maybe it'll Trickle Down while Donnies doing time in Rikers Island!!!😂🤣😂 LETS SEE NOW...Sexual Assault / CONVICTED...Defamation / CONVICTED...FRAUD / CONVICTED ...Documents THEFT / Conviction GAURANTEED, Hundreds of MILLIONS of WITNESSES, SAW THE FBI CONFISCATE 35 BOXES OF DOCUMENTS!!!😂🤣😂 #REALITY_HATES_tRUMPERS
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 11mo
Disasterous...for the DEFENSE!!!😂
"The jury was Disgusted/Sickened by the DETAILS of tRumps ADULTEROUS AFFAIR!"😂🤣😂
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 11mo
"NO FAIR! The judge is letting Stormy Tell the jury what Really Happened, that's Predjudicial!!! Now they'll know he's LYING!!!! MISTRIAL, SHE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL THEM THE TRUTH, IT MAKES tRUMP LOOK LIKE A LOSER/PERVERT/RAPIST!"😂🤣😂🤣
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 11mo
Most of her "tricks" Pay her $5000 a Day, FAILURE BOI PAID Her $10,000, for 90 Seconds, AND THEN $130,000 MORE, Not to tell anyone he only LASTED 90 Seconds!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!