Science can never answer a question like how you ought to feel about the passing of a close family member. Then again, neither can religion — not really. Providing a framework for thinking about it? Sure. But no religion has predicted the unique circumstances of your life. No religion ought to be able to mandate how you ought to feel.
No religion can mandate an all-of-the-above rule like, say, “honor your parents.” As a general principle? Sure. Parents should receive honor and love, and children should receive love and respect. I think you’d find broad agreement on that among believers and non-believers.
But because there is evil in the world, parents are capable of inflicting tremendous harm, neglect, abuse upon their children. (Perhaps to a lesser degree, children can do that to their parents too, though it is generally the parent who has the most power and is most responsible for defining the relationship.)
Should a child honor a parent who neglects them? Who abuses them? Mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually?