Well, the right complains that with minimum wage increases or increases in income for workers will necessarily result in an increase in the cost of living. Obviously this isn’t always the case, but capitalists will always look out for their profits, and not so much their workers.
Capitalists benefit from an unemployed class in two ways: they need people who are hungry and needy who will work for bread and other needs, and they want employed workers to feel the threat of being replaced by an unemployed proletariat who will work for less. Work is all about coercion under capitalism. They don’t care about the working class, hence why they have never cared to establish full employment. Just because you work does not mean your bills are being paid or your needs being met.
In my opinion, capitalism cannot be reformed because it produces significant economic inequality, takes power and democracy away from the working majority and devastates the planet environmentally with its mode of production. Only anarchism can dispose of the capitalist social order and bring about social and economic equality.