democRATS always finding new ways to gerrymander elections... it's about time republicans send the illegals back to where they belong... with democRATS
Sweet. Send some out this way too! maybe the restaurants can hire em so I can actually get a meal within 40 minutes. Even fast food be lagging sometimes. Go ahead and lift the Chinese tariffs too while you're at it. "Fighting inflation" while kicking out all the cheap labor and taxing Chinese imports seems pretty dumb tbh.....
Do you always mimic what I said while still not getting what I said?
Thank loki for these, as I missed who knows how from you many since blocking you again the other day. (I caught the "Spain is Latin America" one by accident via granudisimo's reply to me. Gosh, I'm glad I did. No te olvidas Texas, otro parte de Espana).
I know exactly what you said, but you're getting more and more disjointed. Sure sign that I've won.
For the millionth time, what I said was very simple - conquistadors were from Spain and Spaniards are hispanic in the eyes of the Census Bureau. You can misquote me all day long but that doesn't make it so.
Good for you Texas glad to see that 2.5 million a week your spending on your publicity stunt finally accomplished....well say....something?....Good thing you don't have failing bridge systems, powergrids that can't stay on or a failing education system you could of spent that money on otherwise you'd look like a real idiot right now.
Also your lack of ecomic logic is showing. It's better to spend $2.5 million (if that IS the amount) now to get these immigrants out of the state and be done with them then it is to spend $25 or $250 million over their lifetime while they're in your state.
Yeah, they probaby have never been to Texas. I can't imagine the uh tolarate much in Texas. If you are in the metro (you know, where the economy is), it looks just like Atlanta!