You’re not wrong.
There are Republicans who sell, “the idea that the government offers things to the people. But what they actually do is empower the government itself and make the people dependent on that power, the government and the deep state, represented in multiple private corporations.”
Republicans have been doing this for decades to appeal to fundamentalist groups and keep private corporations in power by way of tax exemptions and funneling money that should be going into public schools into private schools.
Everyone knows the purpose of private schools, charter schools, is to continue discriminatory and segregated polices and keep fundamentalists groups happy. Even if it sacrifices individual constitutional rights.
This money keeps those apathetic politicians in power. Criminalizing senseless and petty things into the prison industrial complex for cheap labor or worse keep undesirables out of society rather than rehabilitate them back into functioning society.
Keeping the rich rich and the poor worse. Using the middle-class and conditioning to fear these undesirables no matter how worse things get. Because when things get worse, they search for a new problem and use that to get elected, pass discriminatory bills, rinse and repeat. Decades later, we say those bills caused todays problems and get repealed. If not by conscience then by constitutional review. And we just say, oh well. Like no one warned us that this would happen.
But people did.
And we called them woke, liberals, traitors, hippies, and other non-sensical names. At the time. But in the end, they were right. But we move on to the next debate. Never caring about what we lost or what was gained. The cycle repeats and we continue to blame people for not having morals or being accountable to societal norms despite those norms frequently being looked back on in shame if not completely dismissed or forgotten.